I can guess what you're thinking about! :D


The spaghetti monster is my god! :D
Well not really but check this out:

Now, scroll down (but not too fast, you might miss something)...

> What is:
> 1+5
> 2+4
> 3+3
> 4+2
> 5+1

Now repeat saying the number 6 to yourself as fast as you can for 15 seconds. Then scroll down.

> QUICK! THINK OF A VEGETABLE! Then arrow down.
> Keep going.
> Now post what vegetable came to mind. :D

Well 98% of people always guess carrots...

I guess your one of the special 2%!
ROFL i read about this somewher, people associate the number six with the colour orange for some reason, and so they think of carrots, as those are prolly the only orange vegeatble that you can think of, I thought of broccoli here but when I did the test for the first time I thought of potatoes XD
I thought of everything but carrots or vegetables, I didn't think of anything D:
Hah, I chose carrots too.

I don't suppose the author of this thread knows why we all choose the same thing? I'd like to find out. :p
scampy said:
Hah, I chose carrots too.

I don't suppose the author of this thread knows why we all choose the same thing? I'd like to find out. :p
Lickilicky_Guy said:
ROFL I read about this somewher, people associate the number six with the colour orange for some reason, and so they think of carrots, as those are prolly the only orange vegeatble that you can think of, I thought of broccoli here but when I did the test for the first time I thought of potatoes XD