I can guess what you're thinking about! :D

Lickilicky_Guy said:
ROFL I read about this somewher, people associate the number six with the colour orange for some reason, and so they think of carrots, as those are prolly the only orange vegeatble that you can think of, I thought of broccoli here but when I did the test for the first time I thought of potatoes XD

i thought brocolli too
I guessed carrots myself. I guess that's because it's the only vegetable that comes to my mind considering that I carrots every day. =]
Lickilicky_Guy said:
ROFL I read about this somewher, people associate the number six with the colour orange for some reason, and so they think of carrots, as those are prolly the only orange vegeatble that you can think of, I thought of broccoli here but when I did the test for the first time I thought of potatoes XD

thst just happened to me...

first i thought of potatoes but then i thought of broccoli

I've seen this before, but I always fall for it. Having synesthesia does have it's disadvantages.
there's something like this where you have maths questions and they'll ask you at the end "QUICKLY THINK OF A COLOUR AND A TOOL!" and 98% of people will think red hammer. I said yellow screwdriver
I don't know why, but I said "Sweet Corn!!!" Maybe it is because I was born in Iowa? By the way, did you know that corn has at least three different types: corn(regular)-grain, sweet corn-vegetable, and pop corn-starch.
I'm noticing it seems like a lot of people are thinking of vegetables that begin with "c"/have "c"s in them.


[Silk Silk Silk. What do cows drink?]
At first I said Tomatoes...then I said @#*$ that's not a vegetable...uhh..carrots. Then I scrolled down to see Carrots was the answer, freaky in a way.
/me hippety hops in

This is unfair! I always think of carrots! I bet Santa CLaws set this whole thing up to make me look silly!

/me hippety hops away