I caught a mistake in One Big Happiny Family (season 10)


"Pokemon Gotta catch em all Pokemon"
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The mistake happens right after Brock's egg hatches and Team Rocket sees it happen and the decide to go steal it and try to make it their nurse helper so the can open up Pokemon centers Team Rocket style so they say to heal Pokemon. Well here is what happens at this point. They say "Let's go catch that b***h." Has anyone ever caught this mistake? I think they forgot to edit that out. I have only seen the episode 1 other time before today. I think it is a bad case of foul language and it should be fixed or pulled off the air. That is what it sounded like to me. If I can wrong please post the exact line because it did not sound like what I heard. Thanks.:)
I just saw that episode yesterday, and a few times before and they don't say what you thought they did. Team Rocket was doing a bunch of rhyming like they always do. I forget the first few lines they said, but i know the last one was "smash that pitch!" or something like that. :p After that they go sneaking off because the twerps all most saw them. is that the part your thinking of?
meowth14 said:
I just saw that episode yesterday, and a few times before and they don't say what you thought they did. Team Rocket was doing a bunch of rhyming like they always do. I forget the first few lines they said, but I know the last one was "smash that pitch!" or something like that. :p After that they go sneaking off because the twerps all most saw them. is that the part your thinking of?

Oh ok I was not sure. It sounded pretty close so I though I should post about it just to make because it did not sound right. Thanks a lot for clearing that up. LOL. Sorry guys I was not sure of the line. It did not sound like I thought it should have been. It did not sound clear so that is why I asked about it. I would not have posted the thread if I knew it was wrong to post about swearing. I just was making sure they were not to add swearing to the series. It just did not sound right. That is why I saw wondering about it. Thanks guys. Whooh that was close.:)
That was just to close for comfort I hope they make that clearer when saying "pitch" because it was just to close to th "B" word.:)
people on tv are always having errors in saying words. i just cant believe it was Pokémon of all things!
Actually, they purposely misspronounce saying butch's name. I haven't heard them say that word before though, but they do say random names that sound like it, because for some reason, ash, brock, etc. can't say his name right, and butch always corrects them.
It sure sounded like it though. When it airs again I will listen closer to see if it is true for sure.:)
Next time it's on we should put the subtitles on for that part. Then we can see what they say, word for word.
Amt said:
Guys, don't mask words, or even say them if they're bad. ;o

I was just asking a question about this episode because I was not sure what Team Rocket said it did not come out the way it sounded so I thought I should ask for the real line just to make sure. I would have never posted about it if I knew what they said because the say it together so it sounds like they are swearing.:)