I fight for my...


Seven days...
The rules to this game are, the 1st poster says "I fight for my (insert word here)" then the next poster says something that makes it so they can't fight for it, then says what they fight for.

1st poster: I fight for my Friends.
2nd poster: None of your friends like you anymore.
I fight for my cookie.

and so on.

I'll start:

I fight for my Peanut Cheese.

I ate it.

I fight for not figthing for anything at all!!!
Zyflair and Dialkia198 said:
Zyflair: I fight for not figthing for anything at all!

Dialkia198: EPIC FAIL!!!!!!
How's that an epic fail?!?

Dialkia198 said:
I fight for being able to play runescape.
The worldwide web shuts down.

Let's try this again...
I fight for not figthing for anything at all!
Zyflair said:
Let's try this again...
I fight for not figthing for anything at all!
It's a paradox if you try you fail if you don't try you're a hypocrite

TearsofanUchiha said:
I fight for avengeance...

I fight for power...
The person you want to beat is dead and you became fat and lost all your power

I fight for everyone who needs me.
Dog forgets to vote, is held up sniffing butts.
I fight for my life after falling 200km from the Space Station.
It's a moon not a space station

I fight for my pokemanz
You don't have Pokemanz. They're Pokemon now.

I fight for...
The Earth's water has been contaminated with an alien virus.

I fight for my right to fight.