I fight for my...

You selfish person. You should at least help me create a new Universe.

I succeed, I now fight for life.
Let's revert to a time when there was an Earth. In this case, your girlfriend dumps you, and life goes on. Except for you, you're so grieved by the incident that you hang yourself on a tree one hour before your girlfriend dumps her new boyfriend and goes running back to you, only to find you've killed yourself. Your girlfriend proceeds to stab herself for your sake. She ascends to heaven, but doesn't reunite with you because you have been eternally damned. You must listen to Madonna's tracks, which thankfully I have never had the displeasure of hearing because I hear they all suck balls, but I digress.

I fight for my digressions.
I buy all the noodle companies, and prevent from selling them to anyone except me.

I fight.
Too bad the ubers always take over gaming, they cannot be stopped without bans.

I fight for my nachos.