I have 2 major misprinted cards


Aspiring Trainer
Hey guys I bought a Deoxyspack it only came with 6 cards and in it was Latios*. A Space Center and Golbat that were barely readable and ink smuched everywhere. Could that be worth anything?
I have had something like that happen before with a pack of Expedition before. Unfortunately, those types of cards generally are not worth anything, due to the fact that it is a printing error more than anything else. If you talk to PUSA about it, they should hopefully send you at least 1 replacement booster pack.

Off the record, EX: Deoxys is one of the worst sets to be printed I have seen; many of the cards that I opened at the PR had foil peeling off, white splotches, and cards bending.

Yeah, definitely mention to Nintendo that you received a faulty booster pack that had only 6 cards and a couple of misprinted cards. This should not be happening at all.
I have never had problems with the deoxys set and all of my cards are fine and I got 9 cards to every pack so I think it may be a fake pack but I am not sure though.:)
Not at all just because you have never had a problem does not mean the set is perfect. I am not stupid. So I know it is a real pack besides the Latios* looks PERFECTLY fine to me. It's just the Space Center and Golbat but they look cool.
Deoxys had realy awful set-print foil cards (the ones with ex-deoxys on). They scratched as you took them outa the packs! I've got such a poor lil smooth over magcargo, you can bearly see its face anymore : (
Vile said:
Deoxys had realy awful set-print foil cards (the ones with ex-deoxys on). They scratched as you took them outa the packs! I've got such a poor lil smooth over magcargo, you can bearly see its face anymore : (

Agreed. I have a raquazar and deoxys like that.

I've never even had a weird booster like this. I think I got 11 cards in one once though.