• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

I have the goods! :)

RE: My trade thread :) W: 4x Smeargle (UD) H: Gengar prime and Machamp prime!

That was my offer:

3 Poketurn
1 Power spray
1 Garchomp C Lv.x
3 Energy gain
1 Broken Time Space
1 Pokemon Collector

For your Gengar Prime
RE: My trade thread :) W: 4x Smeargle (UD) H: Gengar prime and Machamp prime!

I can give you 2X Call energy as well. Lmk if I'm far off base here, I've been valuing cards based on their price at troll and toad.
RE: My trade thread :) W: 4x Smeargle (UD) H: Gengar prime and Machamp prime!

Another Power Spray?
RE: My trade thread :) W: 4x Smeargle (UD) H: Gengar prime and Machamp prime!

DarkPkmtrainer: No thanks
Outofideas82. Well come with an offer
Glaceon: For steelix? Ok
RE: My trade thread :) W: 4x Smeargle (UD) H: Gengar prime and Machamp prime!

hey i have 3 poke turn 3 energy gain and a poke spray
i liked the gengar and machamp prime
could u make me a offer please
RE: My trade thread :) W: 4x Smeargle (UD) H: Gengar prime and Machamp prime!

PM me.
RE: My trade thread :) W: 4x Smeargle (UD) H: Gengar prime and Machamp prime!

I dont think so... I can CYL for more.
RE: My trade thread :) W: 4x Smeargle (UD) H: Gengar prime and Machamp prime!

Charizard6: no, didnt.. If you see on tha last page i wrote to you...
yuuman345: Well do you have something more? If you do have a Collector or something we could make a trade..
RE: My trade thread :) W: 4x Smeargle (UD) H: Gengar prime and Machamp prime!

3 Poketurn
1 Power spray
1 Garchomp C Lv.x
3 Energi gain
3 Spiritomb (ar RH)
1 MagneZone prime
1 Magnezone Lv.x
3 Smeargle (UD)

Which of these do you want for Steelix Prime, Mesprit LA and all the shiny Pokemon.
LMK dude, because I cant think of a suitable offer.
RE: My trade thread :) W: 4x Smeargle (UD) H: Gengar prime and Machamp prime!

Feel free to check my list, and if you want, to make a counter offer :) I'm pretty flexible
RE: My trade thread :) W: 4x Smeargle (UD) H: Gengar prime and Machamp prime!

Chariard6:I need 3 smeargle, 3 poketurn, 1 Garchomp C Lv.x and 3 energi gain I can trade it for 1 steelix prime, 1 Mesperit and 3 Shiny pokemon.
DarkPkmtrainer: I need 1x Promocroak, 1 Blaziken FB, 2 Call energy and 4 Donphan prime.. please make a new offer...
RE: My trade thread :) W: 4x Smeargle (UD) H: Gengar prime and Machamp prime!

Sounds good to me.. how about...

3 Donphan Prime
1 Promocroak
1 Blaziken FB

For it?
RE: My trade thread :) W: 4x Smeargle (UD) H: Gengar prime and Machamp prime!

Dude Im sorry your estimation is way off - Smeargle are $10 each on Troll and Toad, Poketurns are $7.
Please rethink it you merely worthless subserviant slave
Thank you
RE: My trade thread :) W: 4x Smeargle (UD) H: Gengar prime and Machamp prime!

Darkpmkntrainer: I want four Donphan because I need them to a deck..
Charizard6: Please come with a offer then..
RE: My trade thread :) W: 4x Smeargle (UD) H: Gengar prime and Machamp prime!

I get the impression you are not going to like this offer because it is so vastly different but you cant deny the prices:
Courtesy of Troll and Toad:
Steelix Prime $5.50
Mesprit $2
Shiny Voltorb $2
Shiny Relicanth $2
Shiny Yanma $2
Shiny Shinx $3 Total - $16.50

Smeargle (UD) - $10
Poketurn - $7.19 Total - $17

LMK or counter
RE: My trade thread :) W: 4x Smeargle (UD) H: Gengar prime and Machamp prime!

Then how about 4 Donphan and a Promocroak?

I used to have them in a deck too lol
RE: My trade thread :) W: 4x Smeargle (UD) H: Gengar prime and Machamp prime!

Charizard6: no thank you.
DarkPkmtrainer: I want all. Please Cml for more..