Ruling I know it's probably been asked...


Aspiring Trainer
But I just can't seem to understand the ruling with Burmy Sandy Cloak's 'Sandy Cloak' ability. Specifically, the one that's used on the Professor Exam. This is like the 10x I got this question wrong. I can never remember it. I'm sorry if this has (more than likely) been asked on here already. I just couldn't find an older thread about it.

EDIT - I ment to say that it was the Wormadam Sandy Cloak, sorry. ^_^;
Without a situation or even any specifics of the question, none of us can really help you.

Also, I can't find a Burmy Sandy Cloak with that ability. I find a Wormadam Sandy Cloak with that ability.
Okay, so there's a Burmy Sandy Cloak with a Poke-Body, and a Wormadam Sandy Cloak with a Poke-Body.
We are not allowed to give hints to any exam questions (I know the one you're talking about and I will not give you the answer outright), but here is a hint: read and scrutinize the text of the Poke-Body very carefully.