I need your opponion on this please leave comments

Thanks everyone for your input/opponion.
On jan 16 I'll let you guys know what all happened in court
Until then keep your opponions coming

And please don't spam so I can keep this up and keep you all informed
that is complete BS thats just person to arrest you for breaking christmas lights (which u didn't)

aww come on i won't be on this post on Jan 16 this sucks!
Wow I find this very unfair. But what about your friends who did smash the lights? I'm wondering what happened to them... Did they get stopped? Did they confess to defend you? Did you rat'em out to defend yourself? Or did they just get away unfairly? Anyway Jan.16 huh? If you get money, my birthday's on teh 18th... Hintity hint hint! :D lol jk.
They actually had some right to arrest. They had what they thought of as proof of vandalism which came from that guy. But that still does sound kinda like a way to ruin your whole day!
Meaty said:
Wow I find this very unfair. But what about your friends who did smash the lights? I'm wondering what happened to them... Did they get stopped? Did they confess to defend you? Did you rat'em out to defend yourself? Or did they just get away unfairly? Anyway Jan.16 huh? If you get money, my birthday's on the 18th... Hintity hint hint! :D lol jk.

Well they ran off and I didn't feel like getting tasered again it sucks
As for them they didn't do anything but once this is all squared away as for court and suing them the people that did it is going to get what's coming to them

ArceusShayminLovr said:
They actually had some right to arrest. They had what they thought of as proof of vandalism which came from that guy. But that still does sound kinda like a way to ruin your whole day!

Oh ya it just ruined my entire day
It was just messed up but oh well
There are only so many days in your life you can amke better than the last! :)
Drinking age is 21 but you can smoke if you're 18 correct?
I think you can smoke at 18. Because you're called a "minor" if you're under 18 so yeah, you can.
Not that you should really smoke at all. I know it's addicting and releases stress and feels good and I'm not saying people who smoke are bad people but it's just like the worst thing you can do to your health.
Yeah. I took a drug and tabacco resistance class and learned all about that stuff. Definitely don't smoke. Not cool! -_-
*Thinking out loud* Think of it this way, if you win-you get free money.
If you can find the people who did it, maybe you can do a citazins (sp?) arrest...& call the cops on them for the vandeliem.
MylesPrower said:
Aren't you the same one that posted a similar thread a while ago about missing eggnog?

Nope not me look at my registration date
Haven't been on that long

fortegoddx said:
No, 18 to buy tobacco, you can legally smoke(At least in Texas) at 17.

True you can legally smoke at 17
BUT you can still get a MIP
Minor in possesion

Don't use that kind of language.

dmaster out.

Light Venusaur said:
*Thinking out loud* Think of it this way, if you win-you get free money.
If you can find the people who did it, maybe you can do a citazins (sp?) arrest...& call the cops on them for the vandeliem.

Free money yes lol
As for citizens arrest the people who did it is now in Cali or somewhere in the west coast area
But wouldn't that make it a felony crime
Crossing state line after commiting a crime
welcome to the U.S.A we need money here ant that bail cash you gave them ....well money in the bank as thay say they do not care any more about inocent till proven guilty. sad to say but we are going down and fast you hear more and more storys like this but all those storys add up in dead presidents. (and good old frank)
Meaty said:
Not that you should really smoke at all. I know it's addicting and releases stress and feels good and I'm not saying people who smoke are bad people but it's just like the worst thing you can do to your health.

Honestly, I could care less if someone else decides to mess up their health. But when it starts affecting people who don't want to (second hand smoke) that's a serious problem.

Anyway sucks man, but as long as they don't have proof you did it they can't arrest you
to drink and smoking age:
in holland you can buy tabacco from 18 but you can smoke legally from 16.
and around here drinking age is 16, why is it so high in the USA?

to your story:
i heard USA courts are crazy so good luck ;D
red blastoise said:
to drink and smoking age:
in holland you can buy tabacco from 18 but you can smoke legally from 16.
and around here drinking age is 16, why is it so high in the USA?

It is because of our puritan history.