I Replace _______ With _______

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*sees a real pokemon sitting in my grandmas glasses case* 0_0
I replace my pet dog with a zangoose (it is nothing personel)
HAHAHAHA, I got done eating dinner like 2 hours ago

I replace your parents with blood thirsty roman gladiators trying to kill you
Dxrn xt's drxvxng mx crxzy wxth bxd spxllxng. NXXXXX!

X rxplxcx yxxr cxnsxnxnts wxth :p (I replace your consonants with :p
:p:py? You :po:p :pa:pe :po i:pea :p:pa:p I':p :payi:p:p (Why, you now have no idea what I'm saying.)

I :pe:p:pa:pe a:p:p you:p :p:pa:pc:pe:p :pi:p:p o_O (I replace all your spaces with o_O)
Dang:headbang it:headbang I:headbang hate:headbang doing:headbang this.

I:headbang replace:headbang your:headbang life:headbang with:headbang a:headbang magikarp.
Now I do nothing all day...

I replace your shiny Pokemon with Snivy
*sniff* my beautiful absol, *sniff, sniff* WHYYYYYYYY

I replace your pokebeach account with an Acanthite account
I just have to copy and paste each individual letter from pages that I have in my favorites.

I replace your house with the White House.
You didn't specify WHICH screen. The mesh screen on my window is replaced with a grizzly bear. Confused about being in a window, the bear jumps down (one story) and strolls away.

I replace your MP3 Player with a Zune.
I don't have an MP3 player.

I replace your couch with a piranha tank.
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