I think I have a Venusaur Error Card...


Aspiring Trainer
Okay, so, I've just been sorting through all my Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh cards ready for selling when I came across a Venusaur which my sister gave me in a booster back years ago! - This is how I know the card is genuine.

The card is pretty much normal except for a strip of masking tape or something on the top-left corner which runs for 3/4 in width, and 1/4 in length across the card.

Please see these links for pictures:

I would really like to sell this card, and hopefully make some money!

Please advise on what you think its worth or whatever.

I don't know It looks like a piece of scotch tape. I doubt it is worth anything extra. I used to have the same card. I traded mine.
Man, it's not worth much just for a Venusaur non-holo, and when it's out of a sleeve, with tape covering a 1/4 of the card, it's worth about a nickel.
Hi guys,

thanks for the reply.

I'm not sure if everyone understands...

When I opened the packet there was already tape on there... Just wanted to make that clear. =)

PikachewTofu said:
Man, it's not worth much just for a Venusaur non-holo, and when it's out of a sleeve, with tape covering a 1/4 of the card, it's worth about a nickel.

Hey, thanks for the reply.

It is holographic, on the parts that the tape is not on, its a miss-print.

Also, I've only taken it out of the sleeve to photograph it. =)
PikachewTofu said:
Um...no. That was either a fake packet, or you forgot you stuck tape on there.

Nope. It is 100% real. I remember because I had to beg my sister when I was younger to go into Trotters and get me one. lol..

The tape has been printed on - so I couldn't have done it after. =P
Dude, it's tape. Never has anyone pulled a card with tape on it, or a paperclip attached to it, or anything like that. It must have been a fake pack. Stores can sell fake packs.
There are two kinds of error cards: Cards that have a true manufacturing error, and cards that were printed correctly, but with the wrong content. Usually it is the ladder ones that are valuable. If a card has a manufacturing problem they are often worth less, particularly if it looks like it could have been faked. For instance, if I pull a card that has an entire corner torn off, its worthless because I can't prove it is a manufacturing problem. And even if I could, it probably still wouldn't be worth anything

Whether or not the "tape" was on the card when you pulled it is irrelevant. This card is not worth anything.
That's actually kind of cool. It's sadly still worthless, but it's quite amazing. The tape must have been on the blank card when it was printed, that explains how it was printed on.
I've never seen anything quite like this, so I can't judge it. Everyone's saying it's Scotch tape, and I have to admit it looks like it. I doubt PUSA would misplace a piece of tape onto a Venusaur.
The only way I'm going to believe that the tape was printed on, is if you rip the tape off and there's a white space underneath. Doubt you'll do it though.
EspeonROX said:
I've never seen anything quite like this, so I can't judge it. Everyone's saying it's Scotch tape, and I have to admit it looks like it. I doubt Wizards of the Coast would misplace a piece of tape onto a Venusaur.
I'm also saying that it's tape...& also I've seen REAL error cards (I've got a few of them myself (that's inlcuding Lugia Legends).
It was probably just a manufacturing error. Weird, but probs not worth a lot.

You could peep upccc.proboards.com and sign up and see if they have anything to say about. They're collectively your best bet for this kind of thing.
Light Venusaur said:
I'm also saying that it's tape...& also I've seen REAL error cards (I've got a few of them myself (that's inlcuding Lugia Legends).
whats up with your lugias>
^Take a look:
~next to the HGSS set symbol.
Other then that~Read this Thread
that is really sick. Whatever you've got there, I want it.

@Pikachewtofu: if the guy says the tape was on there when he pulled it, it was! and I don't think its fake, its pretty easy to tell when cards are fake. And why in the world would fakers print things on to tape? and how do you think this guy got venusaur printed on there? I'll admit it seems unlikely that WOTC would let that slide but IMO the facts line up, and I think its a little rude of you to be telling this kid is card is fake and that he's just not remembering things correctly. granted it is kind of rude for me to be telling you this, but whatever.