I thought Team Rocket was leaving in Diamond and Pearl.


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I know I made thread a bit late but is Team Rocket leaving in Diamond and Pearl? I am asking because I thought Team Galactic were going to be the new villans and Team Rocket was supposed to be gone for good. Another reason I thought I should bring it up is because they appeared in the first 3 episodes when the sneak peak was on about a week or so ago.:)
TR arent going to leave. Jesse, James and Meowth are like 3 of the main characters apart from Ash, Dawn and Brock.
That is weird because Team Galactic and Team Astro were supposed to take over the show I thought.:)
There is only 1 team: Galactic.

And btw, wouldn't that mean Team Magma and Team Aqua would've taken over in Hoenn? They didn't. Know why? They know that if they make Team Rocket disappear, far less people will watch.
^Lou cypher, remember Jetix Magazine? The Readers of Jetix Magazine chose for Favourite Badguy(s) Team Rocket.
If Team Rocket leaves, the show will be boring because even though they are bad guys but they play an important role in the series & i think they are funnier than the other bad guys...
hmmm.....team galactic=coolness

team rocket=mass hilariaty

im pretty sure they will be staying
They'll never leave. They'll never die, even after getting catapulted into the sky 10,000 feet. They are Team Rocket you know, the original villains. Thus, Team Galactic has nothing on them. Plus, James is da ownage.

Arcanine out.
I heard somewhere but not sure if it was here or somewhere else that Team Galactic eas supposed to take over and Team Astro was supposed to be like Team Aqua and Team Magma.:)
Its really good that Team Rocket stayed. Dont we enjoy seeing them desperately trying to take over an episode then getting blast off? ( though im sometimes annoyed that this jst repeats over and over again )
...hmm.. i wish TR succeeds at least once in their attempt to steal Pokemon :p that'd be interesting, i think.
SUMMARY: Team Rocket stays! :)
Arcanine 274 said:
charizards friend said:
sorry but who are team astro?
I think they mean Team Galactic. I've never heard of Astro...but it being Galactic's nickname or something would make sense.

Arcanine out.

Team Astro is the Diamond and pearl and Sinnoh region of Team Aqua and Team Magma and Team Galactic is the Sinnoh Team Wocket from what I have seen and heard anyway. You should watch Battle frontier so you get the idea on how the show is progressing. The XA's May not be perfect but the episodes are still pretty good.:)
Team Astro is non-existant... Originally Galactic was translated as Astro.
Pok3M@ni@c said:
If TR leaves then no one is gonna watch Pokemon Anime
ill still watch pokemon, even w'o TR. Though Pokemon is more enjoyable to watch w/ them.
Sorry guys but that was what I heard about 6 weeks ago and I thought I should mention it. Thanks for your help.:)