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Expanded I wish a washi


On another booster pack fast
pokemon 9
3 wishiwashi gx (GRI 38)
4 wishiwashi (Dragon Majesty 31)
1 volcanion prism star (FLI 31)
1 alolan vulpix (GRI 21)

trainers 38
4 nestballs
4 aqua patches
4 max potions
2 rescue streachers
3 fighting fury belt
4 cynthias
3 professor kukui
3 AZ
2 guzmas
1 lusamina
1 cyrus prism star
2 brooklet hills
1 skypillar
3 Switch Raft
1 field blowers

energy 13
10 water
3 dce

this is my first deck i'm posting here so sorry if it is weird, but i really wanted to make the gimmick deck of my dreams. i have been play testing it and it is possible almost every game i play to get a 330 hp wishiwashi gx. now its a bit clunky as of now. the idea is to be able to survive any amount of damage and either AZ or max potion my wishiwashi. and being able to deal 110 damage with wishiwashi gx with one energy 4 babies and a ffb sounds pretty nice. also i can it for 130 with kukui. Now obviously it is weak to snipes, thats why i included one sky pillar and lusamina. i really wanted it to be a standard deck but i really wanted to beat waillord exs hp and black kyrumn with crystal wall. so what recommendations do yall have? i find it a bit awkward but i cannot afford to have a lele.
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What’s the point of volcanion prism? It doesn’t really synergies with the deck
The main point was to have another pokemon cause I was mulliganing too often. Also the ability just for a little bit of disrupt and discard water energies. but I am considering taking him out.
have another pokemon cause I was mulliganing too often

That would be an awful Pokemon to start with. You've got ways to get it onto the bench if you started with it, but the Guzma could always be used for something better like if you were in a pinch, not to make up for that 3x retreat cost. I know you want to last until you can attack, but some energy acceleration wouldn't hurt if that could fit into it. I can see you discarding an energy from your hand using Volcanion to switch your opponent, then using Aqua patch to attach it one of your Pokemon is nice. But man, that attack requirement is massive.