
Aspiring Trainer
Hey, this is basically all the pokemon i have for trade, list will expand over time so keep checking back

Abreviations = UT = Untouched, the pokemon has gotten no experience, hasn't been used for anything, hasn't been modified in any way
ST= Slightly touched, Little exp, Inferior Modification If there is no Sign/Abreviation next to the pokemon, it is touched.
Will add more when i see fit.

Wanted/Hoenn/Johto Pokemon.

Events :

Distant Land Shiny Suicine UT
OT Amy ID No. 16846
Hardy Nature Oct. 29, 2007
Distant Land
Pressure, Rain Dance, Ice Beam, Gust, Hydro Pump

Movie Shaymin UT
OT:In Chinese Sorry, ID No. 07198,
Careful Nature, Aug.4 2008
Pokemon MOvie 08
Natural Cure, Seed Flare, Aromatherapy, Substitute, Energy Ball

Mystry Mew
OT Mystry, ID No. 06930
Gentle Nature, Dec 1, 2007
Synchornize, Psychic, Transform, Fire Blast, Fly

Mystry Mew UT
OT Mystry, ID No. 06930
Bold Nature, Sep 10. 2008
Synchronize, Pound Transform - -

Movie Regig
OT Chinese Sorry =[ ID No. 07198
Quiet Nature, Jun. 29, 2008 Pokemon Movie 08
Slow Start, Iron Head, Rock Slide, Icy Wind, Crush Grip

Wishmkr Jirachi
OT Wishmkr, ID No. 20043
Mild Nature, Aug, 20, 2008
Serene Grace, Confusion, Helping Hand, Swift, Psychic

10Anniv Celebi (ST, Has gotten about 100 exp...)
OT: 10 Aniv, ID No. 00010
Bold Nature, Jan. 28, 2008
Natural Cure, Ancient Power, Future Sight, Baton Pass, Persih Song

Space C Deoxys UT
OT SPace C, ID No. 00010
Gentle Nature, Aug.22, 2008
Pressure, Cosmic Power, Recover, Psycho Boost, Hyper Beam.

Alamos Darkrai UT
OT Alamos, ID No. 05318
Naughty Nature, May 31, 2008 Pokemon Event
Bad Dreams, Roar of time, Spacial Rend, Nightmare, Hypnosis

Distant Land Umbreon(74)
OT LEE(Me), ID No. 53253
Sassy Nature, Mar.30 2008, Distant Land
Synchronize, Faint Attack, Confuse Ray, Secret Power, Moonlight

Gamestp Deoxys UT
OT Gamestop, ID No. 06218
Hasty Nature, Jun 20, 2008 Pokemon Event
Pressure, Psycho Boost, Zap Cannon, Iron Defense, ExtremeSpeed

Clefable UT
Golem UT
Caturne UT
Wooper UT
Girafarig UT

Zapdos 55
Rotom 15 UT
Groudon 100
Articuno 52
Latios 54
Kyogre 100
Latias 40 UT
Rayquaza 70 ST
Moltres 60
Giratina, 70 ST
Cresselia, 50 UT
Heatran, 70 ST
Manaphy, 16
Regice, 47
Regirock, 40 UT
Dialga, 57
Dialga, 47 UT
Jirachi, 100
Regigigas, 70
Regigigas, 70 UT
Uxie, 50
Azelf, 56
Mespirit,50 UT
Registeel, 46

Non-LegendaryNone are Ev'd)
Probopass, 15
Salamence, 100
Meganium, 74
Shiftry, 100
Cacturne, 71
Spiritomb, 50
Blissey, 90

Copy-Pasted from PokeCommunity
no, chack out my thread. its the got master ball thing in my sig. click on it.
See My player thread. I just updated with a lot of EV'd Pokemon I want to trade for.:)