Wi-Fi Trades iateabear's MyPlayer Thread


Aspiring Trainer
Hi everybody! I'm opening a little trade shop thing, as you can see. Rules may not be a fun way to start things out, but I only have one or two.
1. Be nice
2. No hacks
3. Don't be outrageous
4. Ctrl+F is your friend!
5. Have fun

So, fairly simple rules, right? Cool. Glad you agree. If you don't agree, then don't trade here. It's that simple.

Friend Code: 2063-0328-9836
Time Zone: Pacific Standard
Times Available: It varies, but I'm fairly flexible


Hidden Ability Kanto Starter or Froakie
x2 any Starter

Bulbasaur (Bold, lv 1, 0 EVs, Overgrow, Male)
Ivysaur (Impish, lv 30, assorted EVs, not maxed out, Overgrow, Male, JAPANESE)
Venusaur (Mild, lv 55, assorted EVs, maxed out, Overgrow, Male, probably wanna keep this one)
Squirtle (Rash, lv 1, 0 EVs, Torrent, Male)
Squirtle (Bashful, lv 1, 0 EVs, Torrent, Male)
Squirtle (Relaxed, lv 1, 0 EVs, Torrent, Male)
Squirtle (Gentle, lv 1, 0 EVs, Torrent, Male)
Squirtle (Gentle, lv 22, a few assorted EVs, Torrent, Male, usually my breeding Squirtle, so might be hard to get)
Wartortle (Sassy, lv 30, 0 EVs, Torrent, Male)
Wartortle (Careful, lv 30, 0 EVs, Torrent, Male)
Charmander (Calm, lv 1, 0 EVs, Blaze, Male)
Charmander (Hardy, lv 1, 0 EVs, Blaze, Male)
Charmander (Quiet, lv 1, 0 EVs, Blaze, Male)
Charmander (Bashful, lv 1, 0 EVs, Blaze, Male)
Torchic (Modest, lv 1, 0 EVs, Blaze, Male)
Chespin (Timid, lv 14, a few assorted EVs, Overgrow, Male)
Quilladin (Hasty, lv 30, 0 EVs, Overgrow, Male)
Chesnaught (Modest, lv 41, quite a few EVs (about 75%) Overgrow, Female, probably wanna keep this one)
Fennekin (Bold, lv 1, 0 EVs, Blaze, Male)
Fennekin (Timid, lv 1, 0 EVs, Blaze, Male, JAPANESE)
Braixen (Serious, lv 21, a few assorted EVs, Blaze, Male, Nicknamed Merlin, can't rename it because I got it in a trade)
Froakie (Lonely, lv 1, 0 EVs, Torrent, Female)
Frogadier (Jolly, lv 25, a few assorted EVs, Torrent, Male, Nicknamed Froabble, can't rename it because I got it in a trade)

Amaura (Hasty, lv 1, 0 EVs, Refrigerate, Male)
Amaura (Timid, lv 1, 0 EVs, Refrigerate, Male)
x26 Tyrunt (Various Natures, no Adamant, all lv 1, 0 EVs, all with Strong Jaw, all Male)

Dratini (Mild, lv 40, 0 EVs, Shed Skin, Female)
Dragonair (Bashful, lv 30, 0 EVs, Shed Skin, Male
Zoroark (Timid, lv 50, a few random EVs, Illusion, Male)
Snorlax (Timid, lv 15, 0 EVs, Thick Fat, Male)
Axew (Docile, lv 15, 0 EVs, Rivalry, Female)
Axew (Calm, lv 13, 0 EVs, Mold Breaker, Female)
Noibat (Rash, lv 44, 0 EVs, Frisk, Female, probably want to train this one myself)
Eevee (Serious, lv 21, 0 EVs, Run Away, Male)
Inkay (Brave, lv 14, 0 EVs, Suction Cups, Female)
Riolu (Hardy, lv 1, 0 EVs, Steadfast, Male)
Klefki (Quirky, lv 35, 0 EVs, Prankster, Female)
Sliggoo (Quirky, lv 48, 0 EVs, Hydration, Female)
Scatterbug (Lonely, lv 3, 0 EVs, Compound Eyes, Male, pretty sure I've got High Plains)
Altaria (Quirky, lv 51, 0 EVs, Natural Cure, Female, probably want to train this one myself)
Scyther (Mild, lv 50, 0 EVs, Swarm, Male, don't have a Metal Coat, sorry)
Haunter (Quirky, lv 58, 0 EVs, Levitate, Female)
Bibarel (Docile, lv 30, 0 EVs, Unaware, Male)
Pupitar (Calm, lv 45, 0 EVs, Shed Skin, Female)
Skrelp (Naive, lv 1, 0 EVs, Poison Touch, Male)
Dragalge (Gentle, lv 70, 252 SpA, a few on SpD and HP, Poison Touch, Female, probably gonna keep this one)
Goomy (Calm, lv 1, 0 EVs, Sap Sipper, Female)
Goomy (Hardy, lv 1, 0 EVs, Hydration, Female)
Goomy (Adamant, lv 1, 0 EVs, Hydration, Female)
Gengar (Impish, lv 58, a few assorted EVs (maybe 4), Levitate, Male)
Gengar (Rash, lv 38, 0 EVs, Levitate, Female)
Durant (Mild, lv 45, 0 EVs, Swarm, Male)
Hawlucha (Lax, lv 19, Limber, Female)
Hippopotas (Bashful, lv 16, 0 EVs, Sand Stream, Male)
Sigilyph (Modest, lv 20, 0 EVs, Magic Guard, Female)
Druddigon (Hardy, lv 58, a few assorted EVs, Rough Skin, Female)
Accelgor (Sassy, lv 1, 0 EVs, Sticky Hold, Female)
Lombre (Lonely, lv 51, 0 EVs, Rain Dish, Male)
Floette (Impish, lv 30, 0 EVs, Flower Veil, Female)
Metang (Hasty, lv 30, 0 EVs, Clear Body)
Ninetales (Calm, lv 30, 0 EVs, Flash Fire, Male)
Dusclops (Quirky, lv 30, 0 EVs, Pressure, Male)
Lampent (Mild, lv 30, 0 EVs, Flame Body, Female)
Kecleon (Lonely, lv 30, 0 EVs, Color Change, Female)
Bronzong (Naughty, lv 30, 0 EVs, Heatproof)
Maractus (Hardy, lv 30, 0 EVs, Water Absorb, Male)
Maractus (Serious, lv 30, 0 EVs, Chlorophyll, Male)
Larvesta (Rash, lv 30, 0 EVs, Flame Body, Female)
Y Exclusives

Hidden Abilities (I'll be more likely to breed you one of these Pokemon than give you the one listed):
Vulpix (Bold, lv 1, 0 EVs, Drought, Female)
Ninetales (Relaxed, lv 30, 0 EVs, Drought, Male)
Torchic (Relaxed, lv 1, 0 EVs, Speed Boost, Male)
Quilladin (Quirky, lv 31, a few assorted EVs, Bulletproof, Female)
Braixen (Brave, lv 30, 0 EVs, Magician, Male)
Eevee (Rash, lv 36, a few assorted EVs, Adaptability, Female)
Lampent (Bold, lv 30, 0 EVs, Infiltrator, Male)
Gloom (Docile, lv 30, 0 EVs, Stench, Female)
Drapion (Serious, lv 30, 0 EVs, Keen Eye, Female)
Sawsbuck (Naive, lv 30, 0 EVs, Serene Grace, Female)
Pachirisu (Careful, lv 30, 0 EVs, Volt Absorb, Male)
Manectric (Lonely, lv 30, 0 EVs, Minus, Male)
Larvesta (Lonely, lv 30, 0 EVs, Swarm, Female)

If there is something in the game that you can buy for either BP or PokeDollars, I'd be more than happy to get it for you for something in return!

Services offered:
I am more than happy to breed any Pokemon on my list, just let me know what you'd like me to do! I'm not that good at egg moves yet, but I'll try my best if you'd like one.
If you want to evolve a Pokemon by trading it (like Haunter or Scyther), I'd be very happy to help you out!
Something else that I haven't listed yet. Basically, if there's something I can help with, let me know and I'll see what I can do!

Hidden Ability Kanto Starters and Froakie
Golurk (Iron Fist, Adamant prefered)
Charizard (lv 50+)
Blastoise (lv 50+)
Noivern (preferably lv 70+)
Xernius (is that how you spell it?)
Mega Stones (especially Tyranitarite, hope I got the names right)
X Exclusives
Whatever you have. Seriously, if you don't have anything from my list, that doesn't mean we can't make a trade. If you've got a list, tell me to check it out. If not, just list some decent stuff you've got. I'm just getting started on X and Y, so I'll take quite a variety of things!

One last note: I am human, I have things to do, and trading Pokemon is not the number one thing on my life's list all the time. I have a life, and I intend to live it outside of the internet. In other words, if you want me to breed an Adamant Gible, raise it to lv 50 with max EVs on Attack and Speed, teach it Dragon Claw, Stone Edge, Earthquake and Protect, have it hold a Life Orb plus give you a full written essay on how to use it effectively in battle, fine, but give me a few days to do it. As you may very well know, this kind of thing can take quite a while. So, be patient.
I have most of the X exclusives, such as Aron, Swirlix, and Clauncher. I think I also have a modest Goomy.
momo - Cool! Would you happen to have the Whipped Dream thing for evolving Swirlix? I'd definitely be interested in the Modest Goomy as well. What from my list did you like?
Xput - Alright! Just let me know when you're ready to trade!
iateabear said:
momo - Cool! Would you happen to have the Whipped Dream thing for evolving Swirlix? I'd definitely be interested in the Modest Goomy as well. What from my list did you like?
Xput - Alright! Just let me know when you're ready to trade!
I do have one more whipped dream. Do you have a Spritzee with Sachet ( i have one already, but still interested in them). I can also take a Squirtle (I don't really care about the natures (as I don't know anything about them)) or Kirlia, Pawniard, Noibat, or certain Y exclusives. If you have anything from my thread (listed in my signature), those are also possible choices.
momoxmomo said:
iateabear said:
momo - Cool! Would you happen to have the Whipped Dream thing for evolving Swirlix? I'd definitely be interested in the Modest Goomy as well. What from my list did you like?
Xput - Alright! Just let me know when you're ready to trade!
I do have one more whipped dream. Do you have a Spritzee with Sachet ( i have one already, but still interested in them). I can also take a Squirtle (I don't really care about the natures (as I don't know anything about them)) or Kirlia, Pawniard, Noibat, or certain Y exclusives. If you have anything from my thread (listed in my signature), those are also possible choices.

I'm afraid I don't have a Spritzee, sorry. I do have a Squirtle for you, and I'd also be more than willing to trade you a Pawniard and Noibat. Can you propose a trade offer?

Quick summary on natures: basically, there are 16 different natures (or something like that). Each nature gives a +20% boost to one stat, while giving a -20% stat to another. An Adamant nature, for example, gives a +20% attack boost, and a -20% one to special attack. A Modest nature is the reverse: +20% special attack, -20% attack. Some natures (Serious, Quirky and I think 2 others) don't give any boosts at all - they don't add or subtract 20% from any stat.
Strategy-wise, natures are quite helpful. For a speedy Pokemon like Garchomp, try using a Jolly nature, which adds Speed. For a special attacker like Chandelure, try using a modest nature for a special attack boost. For a physical attacker like Tyranitat, don't use a nature like Modest, because then it's attack stat will be diminished by 20%. That's the basics of natures, and hopefully it made sense.
iateabear said:
momoxmomo said:
I do have one more whipped dream. Do you have a Spritzee with Sachet ( i have one already, but still interested in them). I can also take a Squirtle (I don't really care about the natures (as I don't know anything about them)) or Kirlia, Pawniard, Noibat, or certain Y exclusives. If you have anything from my thread (listed in my signature), those are also possible choices.

I'm afraid I don't have a Spritzee, sorry. I do have a Squirtle for you, and I'd also be more than willing to trade you a Pawniard and Noibat. Can you propose a trade offer?

Quick summary on natures: basically, there are 16 different natures (or something like that). Each nature gives a +20% boost to one stat, while giving a -20% stat to another. An Adamant nature, for example, gives a +20% attack boost, and a -20% one to special attack. A Modest nature is the reverse: +20% special attack, -20% attack. Some natures (Serious, Quirky and I think 2 others) don't give any boosts at all - they don't add or subtract 20% from any stat.
Strategy-wise, natures are quite helpful. For a speedy Pokemon like Garchomp, try using a Jolly nature, which adds Speed. For a special attacker like Chandelure, try using a modest nature for a special attack boost. For a physical attacker like Tyranitat, don't use a nature like Modest, because then it's attack stat will be diminished by 20%. That's the basics of natures, and hopefully it made sense.

Thanks for the layout on natures ^.^
We can trade modest gloomy for Squirtle and whipped dream Swirlex for noibat?
Sounds good! What time works for you? I'm in the Pacific Standard zone, if I haven't already mentioned that.
I'm on now, but only for a few more minutes. I'll probably be on later tonight (Central time-Texas).
Alright. Do you want to set a time, or just see if we're on at the same time? I doubt I can be on tonight, but we'll see.
iateabear said:
Alright. Do you want to set a time, or just see if we're on at the same time? I doubt I can be on tonight, but we'll see.
Tomorrow can work as well, as I don't have school on Wednesdays.
momoxmomo said:
iateabear said:
Alright. Do you want to set a time, or just see if we're on at the same time? I doubt I can be on tonight, but we'll see.
Tomorrow can work as well, as I don't have school on Wednesdays.

Alright. I'm busy from about 10:30 AM till about 7:00 PM pacific time, but if you can work around that, I'd me more than happy to trade, just let me know!
iateabear said:
momoxmomo said:
Tomorrow can work as well, as I don't have school on Wednesdays.

Alright. I'm busy from about 10:30 AM till about 7:00 PM pacific time, but if you can work around that, I'd me more than happy to trade, just let me know!
Yeah, that should be fine. Those are my sleeping hours, btw :p
Brave - It's got Sand Veil, which is, in my opinion, better than Rough Skin (isn't Garchomp with Sand Veil considered to be Uber though?).
The Gible is Adamant (pretty sure I actually put that in the Gible's description, but watever :p ), but unfortunately I just traded it :( I could try and find another one for you if you'd like.
iateabear said:
The Gible is Adamant (pretty sure I actually put that in the Gible's description, but watever :p ), but unfortunately I just traded it :( I could try and find another one for you if you'd like.

That's okay, I actually caught a Sand Veil Gible myself and forgot about it until today!
Cool! I'm in the middle of a rather large list update, so if you want to check back in a half hour or so to see if there's anything else you'd like, be my guest!

Big list update! Let's make some trades!