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Expanded Ideas for a Swampert & Friends Deck?


The one with a witty name
Hey there guys and gals!
I recently returned to the TCG field, and wanted to try building a water deck with some of my favorite water mon (Swampert & Kingdra c:) Probably im gonna use just water pokemon to maximize its use, but im willing to try 2 types for sake of fun :)

So i need some guidance to build this thingie. I've got a little drafts that ended in something like this:

Pokemon :
  • Mudkip line from Pr. Clash (3-1-3)
  • Swampert EX (1 or 2)
  • Palkia EX/GX (1 or 2 as well)
  • Eevee and Espeon, Glaceon or Sylveon GX (2-2)
  • Deluge Blastoise
  • A. Vulpix, A. Ninetales (2-1)
  • Whoever wants to join i guess
Trainers :
  • Dive Balls
  • Ultra Balls
  • Level Ball
  • Rare Candies
  • Aqua Patches
  • Muscle Band or Choice Band or Fighting Fury Belt
  • Wishful Baton or Exp. Share
  • Acro Bike
  • Brooklet Hill
  • Rough Seas
  • Archie's Ace in the hole
  • Cynthia
  • The usual cast of Supporters (like Guzma, Kukui, etc )
Energies :
  • Water energy
  • DCE.
  • Splash Energy

Thanks a lot in advance,
~MG :)

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Numbers on the cards would be helpful, but I suppose I could help.
First, I'd take out the Kyogre EX, I can't see why it's there.
Mudkip line should probably have another Swampert, and the same goes for the Horsea line.
That's all, folks!
You have too many pokemon for starters, even without counts your pokemon inclusion ideas are all over the place. Swampert/Kingdra is going to be painful to play as it is because double stage 2s makes your deck inherently inconsistent, the more pokemon you have the less likely you are to have the one you need on any given turn. If you really want to do that be sure to run Pokemon Communication. If you're doing an expanded Kingdra deck, you will want one or two of the dragon type Kingdra from Plasma Freeze. I recommend you really hone in on what you want to do though, how are you going to win games? I see a lot of potential game plans in this assortment of cards, but you can't pursue all of them at the same time without seriously limiting the probability that any one of them will work.

That leads me to the biggest problem I see here: Swampert/Kingdra don't really compliment one another very well. Greninja/Kingdra worked in the past despite being a janky double stage 2 deck because it got water energies into discard fast and Kingdra PLF could cycle them back into the deck, Kingdra BUS helps augment that deck's objective, get a ton of water energy in discard while putting chip damage all over their field, then attack with Kingdra PLF to wipe something big off of the field. Swampert's damage scales on energy so it wants energy on the field, it wants to play the opposite game that Kingdra wants to play. You should pick one of these cards and work with it. Archie's Blastoise plus Swampert could work, or Kingdra/Kingdra (using both the BUS and PLF versions) or Kingdra/Greninja-XY can work.

If you want to do an Archie's list, keep in mind that every card in your deck that you can't easily dispose of makes you that much less likely to be able to play your Archie's. Battle compressors and VS seekers are a 100% must for playing any Archie's list, or expanded list for that matter.
Numbers on the cards would be helpful, but I suppose I could help.
First, I'd take out the Kyogre EX, I can't see why it's there.
Mudkip line should probably have another Swampert, and the same goes for the Horsea line.
That's all, folks!

Guess i rushed when picked Kyogre, thought it could work for the energy move and stuff.
Probably gonna separate them into two decks. More on that later.
Also, any help would be well recieved

You have too many pokemon for starters, even without counts your pokemon inclusion ideas are all over the place. Swampert/Kingdra is going to be painful to play as it is because double stage 2s makes your deck inherently inconsistent, the more pokemon you have the less likely you are to have the one you need on any given turn. If you really want to do that be sure to run Pokemon Communication. If you're doing an expanded Kingdra deck, you will want one or two of the dragon type Kingdra from Plasma Freeze. I recommend you really hone in on what you want to do though, how are you going to win games? I see a lot of potential game plans in this assortment of cards, but you can't pursue all of them at the same time without seriously limiting the probability that any one of them will work.

That leads me to the biggest problem I see here: Swampert/Kingdra don't really compliment one another very well. Greninja/Kingdra worked in the past despite being a janky double stage 2 deck because it got water energies into discard fast and Kingdra PLF could cycle them back into the deck, Kingdra BUS helps augment that deck's objective, get a ton of water energy in discard while putting chip damage all over their field, then attack with Kingdra PLF to wipe something big off of the field. Swampert's damage scales on energy so it wants energy on the field, it wants to play the opposite game that Kingdra wants to play. You should pick one of these cards and work with it. Archie's Blastoise plus Swampert could work, or Kingdra/Kingdra (using both the BUS and PLF versions) or Kingdra/Greninja-XY can work.

If you want to do an Archie's list, keep in mind that every card in your deck that you can't easily dispose of makes you that much less likely to be able to play your Archie's. Battle compressors and VS seekers are a 100% must for playing any Archie's list, or expanded list for that matter.

Thanks a lot for the advice. I probably thought they could work together or something since i could rely mostly on Archie and the searching and acro bikes ^^"
Guess that i can split this idea into at least two decks, a Swampert-focused one and a Kingdra-focused one.
With the Swampert one being more centered on cycling the energies between the pokemon and hitting hard meanwhile with the Kingdra one re-cycling them with a lot of stuff, like the recent Crasher Wake

Anyways, i thik that splitting ideas and focusing on Swampert would be my first idea.
Thanks a lot for the guidance! :D