BW/BW2 Ideas to make Pokemon Games faster.

you know what would make it so much faster?

if they made nurse joy shut up
she takes so long

and they should make the pc faster
kangaskhan said:
you know what would make it so much faster?

if they made nurse joy shut up
she takes so long

and they should make the pc faster

mayB Brock will go and punch us for telling Nurse Joy that. lol, maybe. but i doubt it. besides, i saw a brown haired nurse in a CoroCoro picture.
kangaskhan said:
you know what would make it so much faster?

if they made nurse joy shut up
she takes so long

I completely agree. What's the point of her asking me if I want to heal my pokemon? Duh, if I'm here and talking to you it probably means that I want my pokemon to be healed. I mean its not like I can make small talk with her. A simple "Oh, your pokemon appear to be injured. Let me heal them for you." is all I need her to say to me.
Meh, I like surfing as it is. It would be weird to make it faster, I guess by making it like the bike.

I like the little cut scenes when you use an HM! Although it would be even more awesome if your actual pokemon flew around and picked you up instead of a shadow. Same with the surfing. But the only reason I think they can't do that is cause you can fly with tiny pokemon and surf with tiny pokemon. Wouldn't work well.

The healing pokemon thing I 100% agree.

And the weather effects ongoing in battle would be amazing. But from the screens in the desert I doubt it will happen as it doesn't seem to be going on in those.
PokeBlog said:
mayB Brock will go and punch us for telling Nurse Joy that. lol, maybe. but i doubt it. besides, i saw a brown haired nurse in a CoroCoro picture.
Offtopic: It's spelled "Maybe" just for a heads up. Ontopic: Yeah they should cut down nurse joy's conversations to you.