as we all know a new Pokemon mystery dungeons (PMD)game just got announced, Nintendo didn't put the next game into the Corocoro of May, and E3 is coming up. What do these have to do with "soon"? Well maybe Gamefreak is trying to hide the fact that the next game is "HUGE" i mean Mega Wailord HUGE! The fact is the past few years Gamefreak has been throwing curve balls at us, ORAS was going to be in Gen 5 but Primal Reversion's animations would have been hard without XY's nice graphics so they upgraded the game leaving us with a Remix of generation 1 (only able to get Unova Pokemon till after you beat the game and routes restarted back to 001) but.... they did that with gen 6 too (with all the Kanto Legendaries). Now back to the topic PMD is just to keep us busy so they can surprise us with BOOM....XZ and YZ (or whatever it will be), but another Corocoro will be released on June 16 (5 days after my B-day and days before E3) problems are if the June Corocoro announces it, it will be leaked early to the public; but Nintendo has never announced anything [Main] Pokemon Game Related in the history of "Poke-mankind" (lol mankind).
Put your Ideas below this is an Opinion of if we will or won't see a Pokemon main series game in 2015 (not the name of the next game)
And for all of you who believe gen 7 is next well sorry gen 6 isn't complete yet just 4 games isn't usual, gen 5 was an error since the 3DS was out during that time so the could have put it on 3DS (but it got more sales on regular DS since the 3DS was new and not many people had it
Put your Ideas below this is an Opinion of if we will or won't see a Pokemon main series game in 2015 (not the name of the next game)
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