If Kirby were a Pokemon...

I know its strong, but it does not necessaily mean it is compulsary to have that high stats.
It's not a real Pokemon...So it does not matter. But I think it would be...fascinating to have such a powerful Pokemon.
And you already made one. Anyway why don't someone make a sprite for Kirby?
lol, I TRIED, my bro advised me to stop cause I'd only make it worse, but, well, it's nowhere near perfect, I know, his feet look kinda ugly, his mouth didn't come out fine and his eyes are a bit too small, but, well, here it is:

I have other things to do, but, well, i felt like trying to make one in 1-5 minutes

the sprite is based upon the D/P sprites, not the r/s/e
There I edited c_m's Kirby sprite.


  • kirbyyw8.PNG
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Pink is too light, although it's supposed to be pink. Do you have a darker pink?