Pokemon If Pokemon was real....


Sons of Liberty Leader
Ever thought how it would be if we lived in a world just like the Pokemon TV Series? What do you think you would do? What Pokemon would you train? Anything!

I would leave my house when I was 10 and raise a team of highly skilled Pokemon. I would want a Pichu or Pikachu though :D
RE: If Pokemon was real...

I would....

Get a Magikarp and teach it hyper beam and scream "It's over 9,000!!!!1!!!one!" and fry everyone within a 15 mile range.

Actually, I'd get a Bulbasaur and a Totodile and work from there.
Hopefully I'd get a Lugia and a Shiny Pichu, and my life would be complete.

RE: If Pokemon was real...

Going for an Ash bias eh? :p Well, life would be horrible, realistically speaking. Unless I have the Pokémon to protect myself, Pokémon would appear here and there, not only in tall grass. Wild Tyranitars and Aggrons would mash through the crust of the slopes that houses are built on, your appliances would get busted because your Shinx didn't spark it with the appropriate voltage, forest fires would occur very often thanks to wandering/discarded Fire Pokémon only to find that all the Pelippers who can wash the fire away are delivering mail from one place to another, and the list goes on. Ecosystems would be ruined because of the absurd number of trainers catching the Pokémon who just want to live, and food chains would be broken. Pokémon battles are as good as cockfighting, so I'd rather get a Pokémon to help me do chores and maybe work. I'd ask my pet Kirlia to tell me what my friends are thinking about me, and moreover help me do my homework. Like pets, Pokémon would be for sale, and I'd save up to get one. It'd be a pain in the neck to clean all their dirt though, so the amount of resources that I have limits the number of Pokémon that I could get. I'd breed Blazikens and Grumpigs to get Flambés and ham every day. Having a Miltank at home would also help me cut milk out of the budget, not to mention beef. And did I ever talk about how Pokémon could be used as weapons of mass destruction?

Idealistically speaking, I'd go pluck a Seedot/Cherubi from a nearby tree that grows in my garden, or get a Pokémon willing to be caught within a close proximity. I'd look for trainers who would go eye to eye with me, level my Pokémon up, beat a Gym Leader , and collect badges. Then I'd do some competitive battling after everyone in the world beats the Elite Four, who wouldn't be that elite anymore since everyone's beaten them after all. Of course, if several people get a head start, it'd be hard to train because low level trainers wouldn't be conveniently placed like in the games; you'd probably run into a guy who has a perfect sweeping team at the start of your journey. I've got a lot more in mind, but I'd like to see what others think too.[/prosandcons]
RE: If Pokemon was real...

I would get a wailord. and about 400 pigey's strap the pigey's to the wailord and make them drop him over a heavly populated area.

ok realisticly.

umbreon - my personal body guard.
RE: If Pokemon was real...

I would love to ride around on an Arcanine.

I think in general life would be a bit easier. If you can't reach something just use Bulbasaurs vines to get it for you, or when you need to lift something heavy send out your Machoke. Also are we talking completely realistically here, or is this gonna be like the games where bird pokemon can only fly you places if you have the corresponding gym badge? Cause if that's gonna be the case I suppose I'll have to go after the gym leaders at some point.

Also realistically pokemon could be trained without the need to fight against other pokemon. Which would help if all the other trainers in the world obtained "perfect sweeping teams" before you started. Speaking of competitive battling, that would be completely overthrown. In realistic terms IVs and EVs and all that would be nearly meaningless. Aside from having no way to measure them, there would be no guarantee that that would be how things worked. So all that would happen if you tried to IV breed would be that you would create swarms of baby pokemon with no home, who would end up tearing up Solaceon Town (or wherever your nearest Day Care happens to be) out of frustration. Things like friendship would be more than just game mechanics that determined some pokemons evolution and the power of Return. It would be so much more important considering the fact that you now have to deal with living beings instead of a bunch of data.

Pokemon thieves would be inevitable, and with no convenient set path in which you'll run into them at all key points in their schemes where your level just so happens to co-incide with theirs... You could probably expect to see a lot of pokemon thefts.
RE: If Pokemon was real...

Conquer the world, of course. (insert evil laugh here).

I'm joking... Probably defeat cyrus, take over team galactic, and send the various members out on missions that would HELP people, instead of using the team as a stepping stone to gain ultimate power, and THEN conquer the world (it would probably be nice to gain it anyway)...[/ramble]
RE: If Pokemon was real...

@Chaos6: Of course, various organizations are bound to be established in order to regulate all the chaos and mayhem that could happen, and syndicate organizations (that actually put up a fight) would be omnipresent to complement the terrific law enforcement. Also, we all know how wild Pokémon are pretty innocent (except those who are composed of evil energy, just to name a few); it's usually the trainers who cause the change in their outlook in life. Pokémon would be getting the amount of moves that they know from their memory, and not from four preselected slots that are just waiting to be filled up. They will actually have reflexes to dodge attacks, and not rely on double team and evasion boosting items. If you think about it though, some children wouldn't live long enough to be ten if they were to walk into "high level tall grass" without a guardian, and get eaten and actually die, which doesn't happen in the games.

Albeit, if we go back to the crime rates, I wouldn't be surprised if there were an officer Jenny clone factory somewhere to keep things like that from happening, and neither would I be surprised if there weren't any. IVs and EVs would still apply, but they'd be even more intricate than just to act as a video game's randomized lottery for powerful competitive tools, in fact, even more Pokémon would be unique as we venture into genetics, not just have thirty-one factorial divided by six factorial excluding natures, levels, genders, and move sets. In retrospect, we don't have any working simulators to determine which of our assumptions are equitable. I was just whimsically amplifying how horrible life would be, back in my previous post. ;)The presence of Pokémon in the world makes way for countless pros and cons, so we can't tell what will happen, and what won't; all we can do is speculate about living in an unorthodox world.[/wedontknow]

Note: A few of those ideas are just there to ponder about as filler, and not actually to get a point across. Enjoy dissecting for the main point. :3
RE: If Pokemon was real...

Probably get some Pokemon that would fill roles. (Example: Get a Houndoom as a guard dog). I would stick to getting my favorites. But, like Palmer said, the world would thrown out of wack eventually.
RE: If Pokemon was real...

IV's at least exist in the anime. Paul looked at him pokedex and could tell who was better and who had to go. I would just go around trying to get a rotom. I would love my rotom and build many forms for it. Then I probably would go around and do what ever I felt like. Battle some Gym leaders, chase legends, and have fun pulling pranks with my rotom(anime).
RE: If Pokemon was real...

Id get myself a glaceon and then train up a houndoom for contests and win every badge there ever was. And I would go legendary spotting.
RE: If Pokemon was real...

i would dedicate my life to catching shinies.
then i would start a dragon gym and eventually become champion lol
RE: If Pokemon was real...

I think if Pokemon were real it would be illegal to catch Legendarys. I would have a Jolteon and a Staraptor.

and Tyholsion
RE: If Pokemon was real...

Mewtwo, Gyarados, Tyranitar, and Garchomp would protect me.

This is a silly thread. ;p

dmaster out.
RE: If Pokemon was real...

i would have garchomp flygon and salamence.they are all awsome!
If pokemon were real I would get two girl eevees and evolve one into espeon and one into umbreon and thay would be like my pets and my gaurds
OK, here's what I think would change in the world.

First, at schools, each school would have a battlefield painted somewhere (parking lot, baseball field, etc.). During the day, two people can sign up for a battle against each other.

Also, they would set up tournaments just like the TCG ones, only for real pokemon. There would be BRs, Cities, States, Regionals, Nationals, and Worlds.
RE: If Pokemon was real...

Ok, seeing as no one has said this.

I personally would attempt to become like team rocket/team aqua etc.

researching for the strongest pokemon etc.

they are the same as big company's just more violent.

i personally wouldnt condone stealing/murder.

but oh well..
Charzaird, Electabuzz, Aggron, Lucario, Tyranitar, and Raichu would be my team, friends, and protectors. I'd have a couple Chatot's and Mr.Mime's keeping my family company, and I'd have over 170 pokemon in my PC boxes. I wouldn't even want legends. Also, wouldn't it be illegal to catch legendarys?

But I do slightly agree with Palmer, the world would be to dangerous. People would be flying on Pidgeys that can't support their wieght and people would fall off of surfing pokemon.