If you could improve or add to the metagame in this format, what would you do?


Modest Trainer
This question is pretty self explanatory, so I will only add some detail to what I am asking. In any trading card game not just Pokemon, there always some 'staples' that every deck needs in order to work to its max potential. The 'staples' in Pokemon seem to take up more than the optional choices you have to add in your deck. Here's an example:

I want to play with a Darkrai deck.

Mandatory or 'staple' cards you MUST have (or you will certainly not have a chance to win against an opponent who plays with these staples):

4x: Prof. Juniper
4x: N
3x-4x: Skyla
3x-4x: Bianca
Other Supporters won't be as powerful as these, so why not add other supporters as powerful as them? (What if we are bored of playing the damn Professor Juniper we want Professor Oak back!)

What would you change in this format? :)
Team Rocket = Black Border Cards
Team Aqua = Teal Border Cards
Team Magma = Red Border Cards
Team Galactic = Mustard Yellow Border Cards

Cards Based on the movies and anime in ENGLISH!!!
Glow under UV light Umbreon Card cus reasons
Make it so that Plasma Freeze never existed.

...it's weird how we all think that this format isn't missing good things, but rather it has too many bad ones.

Hint, hint.
Make a card like lost world, like make it to deter seine from using catcher or lasers.

Once during either players turn if their opponent has 4 pokemon catcher (or hypnotixic laser) that player may choose to win the game. Yep that'd be awesome
Reprint Super Energy Removal from Base Set so then you can slow down the Big Basic decks.
A card that does this specific action:

Supporter: Lance
If your opponent has four copies of the same card, remove them from the game. If your opponent cannot draw any more cards from his or her deck, return the four copied cards back to the deck.

AlexanderTheAwesome said:
Make a card like lost world, like make it to deter seine from using catcher or lasers.

Once during either players turn if their opponent has 4 pokemon catcher (or hypnotixic laser) that player may choose to win the game. Yep that'd be awesome

I think you'll find my thread about the four copies of cards much better. :)

DNA said:
Make it so that Plasma Freeze never existed.

...it's weird how we all think that this format isn't missing good things, but rather it has too many bad ones.

Hint, hint.

The problem with the format really is this, there are too little options to choose from. If you run or play with ANY specific top tier deck, or the "best decks" you need to play some specific cards. The cards you need to play and get take about 58/60 or possibly all 60 cards in the deck making you not even giving you an option on what you want to add, so your deck can at least be different and not dull as everyone else.

Pokemon is a little slow releasing new sets and I think this is why this happened because they realize players are comfortable playing with the same cards over and over, or they just don't care about us.

Muddy68 said:
No Catcher, no Laser, and no EX

I agree with the first two, but EX should have a limit. EX Pokemon pretty much takes up the competitive metagame, so putting a limit to the EX Pokemon would be awesome. Having a choice of only have ONE copy of an EX per deck. This way it doesn't look ironic that you can have four legendary Pokemon that in reality only one copy could be obtainable.
I played during the ex era however looking at decklists from the SP era I was surprised at the amount of pokemon and the variety of dofferent pokemon were used. So I guess I want more diversity in top tier lists
Go back to the SP days.

Oh how I loved them. Call LuxChomp skill-less all you want, I don't think much can stand up to what I've read on today's metagame. Whoever starts the EX trade wins, Hypnotoxic Laser wasn't thought through at all, and everyone having four Bright Looks is stupid. Remember when you had to plan which Pokemon got pulled up? How it actually mattered? Yeah, good times.

Also Vileplume/Spiritomb were sweeeet. Control Decks are great. Too bad I don't think anything to their extent exists anymore.
LuxChomp isn't skill-less. It didn't take too much skill, but you'd need some to make it to the late-game.

The problem with the format really is this, there are too little options to choose from. If you run or play with ANY specific top tier deck, or the "best decks" you need to play some specific cards. The cards you need to play and get take about 58/60 or possibly all 60 cards in the deck making you not even giving you an option on what you want to add, so your deck can at least be different and not dull as everyone else.

Pokemon is a little slow releasing new sets and I think this is why this happened because they realize players are comfortable playing with the same cards over and over, or they just don't care about us.
I know I am biased when I say this, but I think BW-Plasma Storm was a good format. There was no deck that really shone or stood out. Darkrai did get a very nice buff with going back to his straight-up variant and abusing the HTL combo, but Landorus, and other things, were still fairly prevalent. BW-BCR was probably even a little better than that.

But I know in my heart they really don't care about us.
I'd love to see Professor Oak's New Theory and Mesprit LA reintroduced. That'd add some serious balance. Also, it'd be very nice to see Laser and Double Colorless leave.
I would add stronger Stage 2's and tone down the EXs. I could probably live without LaserBank too.
I'd have probably given Pokemon-EX VERY slightly less HP and/or made evolutions deal SLIGHTLY more damage. But the two Silver tools in Plasma Blast fix that problem well enough, so I can't think of anything further. Overall, I don't mind this format too much, though Keldeo gets under my skin occasionally.
I'd add more milling cards. Swoobat was a nice addition but it's just too fragile as a stage 1 plus it needs Gardevoir.