General If you could invent anything...


Electric Delivery Driver from Washington
If you could invent any one thing, what would it be?

For me, probably a series of teleporter gates. Around where I live (Puget Sound) there's a bunch of ferries, which are slow and expensive, linking more remote and island communities to the mainland. If I had drivable gates that instantly took you across those stretches of water, I would make millions and possibly alter the grid infrastructure forever.
I honestly don't know. Maybe a way to improve the education system. It wouldn't do anything straight away, but would lead to a lot of other inventions we could probably hardly even come up with. Also, it would increase our human resources, which would lead to more efficient production technology, which could make a lot of things cheaper and more widely available (including food for countries that need it).

Ok that was lame. Also, that took me way longer than it should of. I just couldn't stop staring at the, "Eat your vegetables," GIF in you signature.
Something to make the "everything hurts why am I still alive" period after a surgery not painful.

I've had two surgeries in my life, and both of them ended with me waking up and wondering how such pain could exist.
A machine that would allow me to telepathically slow down time but I wouldn't age during said time. I would use almost always to sleep more

If I had something like that during school, I would have used it for homework.