BW/BW2 ilovemypikachu's Trading Thread! Partnered with Darkly211!

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OshawottFan: all I really want is a Teddiursa. Can you get one?

pokemon99: hmmm....i don't want to ask for event pokemon, but a Mew possibly? And any other legendary?
Ok then! Thanks absol! I don't have wi-fi atm, though :(

OshawottFan: I honestly don't care XD once I'm able to clone, which is hopefully soon, it doesn't matter what you give me. It's not like a Tornadus isn't super hard to get :p
Um....I guess we can do this:

once I'm able to clone, I'll give you those pokemon you ask for, and the pokemon I can't get due to events can just be quickly traded. Like I'll just have them to register in my pokedex and trade them right back. I don't need to keep them.
I'll be epic and ask you to CML for these too :p :
Thundurus lv. 40 UT
Virizion lv. 42 UT
Terrakion lv. 42 UT
Feel free to ask for anything cause then it is easier to work things out :D
Alright! So I get those for free, and any pokemon that you need for your dex that I can get I will give you?
OshawottFan: I'll take your Larvitar with egg move Dragon Dance and any Dream World pokemon you have (except Lickitung)

pokemon99: yep, I guess the price would be the same :p I don't want to ask for too much, and I can get most things myself

xgoabsol: great! Thanks! So it's free? (btw, I'll mention you as a partner in the thread once I get on my computer at my dads house because I'm on my iPod touch at my moms)
ilovemypikachu said:
OshawottFan: I'll take your Larvitar with egg move Dragon Dance and any Dream World pokemon you have (except Lickitung)

pokemon99: yep, I guess the price would be the same :p I don't want to ask for too much, and I can get most things myself

xgoabsol: great! Thanks! So it's free? (btw, I'll mention you as a partner in the thread once I get on my computer at my dads house because I'm on my iPod touch at my moms)

Yeah sure I feel like being a good person right now. Its not that hard to breed anything. The only hard part is getting all the Pokemon lol.
Thanks! :) and yeah, that's my goal, but I thought I could get every single type of normal (like non-shiny or legendary) pokemon since I have at least one game for every region, but I can't get Teddiursa in any of my games.....I'm so shocked!
ilovemypikachu said:
pokemon99: yep, I guess the price would be the same :p I don't want to ask for too much, and I can get most things myself

Alright. When can we trade?
Whenever I get an action replay for cloning, unless I can get someone to do it for me temporarily. If i could drive, I'd go to GameStop and get one, but sadly I can't :(
Pokemon99: I'm sorry, I've just been really busy :( unless someone can clone for me, I'm just holding reservations

pokemonjoe: Docile

Pokeblack99: I'm sorry, but I don't need a Gothorita
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