I'm being hacked

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My account here is being hacked.

The only reason I know for sure is because my bio got twisted but still has the same info. There are also toms of other things.

What should I do?
Change your password. To something nobody would ever find out. OR it could be something you did in your profile like pressing a button.
could just be a mod messing with you... i used to do that to people occasionally. let guy89 tell you about it haha
esperante said:
could just be a mod messing with you... i used to do that to people occasionally. let guy89 tell you about it haha
Well then I'm glad we got rid of you because that is not okay.
I don't think it's a mod. Unless they, for some reason, decided to be a rebel or something. A password change should do it.
Water Pokémon Master said:
Well then I'm glad we got rid of you because that is not okay.

well i'm glad i could lighten your conscience if nothing else... however much gladness it requires to get rid of someone who quit anyways is beyond me.

and honestly it's just as likely of a scenario as someone 'hacking into' a kid's account on a pokemon forum...
If they logged into your account before and checked the box to always stay logged in, a password change will not stop them as long as they don't hit the logout button. Depending on what powers WPM gave to mods, they may be able to view moderator and administrative logs. That would show if a moderator edited your profile. The moderator log can be pruned, but I believe an entry has to be in it for 24 hours before it is able to be deleted from the log if memory serves correctly. That would give other mods and WPM time to see who did it. You might also want to check your posts. If you find any posts that you didn't make be sure to tell the mods which ones. Hope this information will help you, the mods, and WPM.
Isn't this a Site Discussion sort of thread?

What other sorts of things have been happening, exactly? Your OP specifies that the bio change isn't the only example of your account being "hacked".

If a password change isn't helping, then you may also want to consider changing the password on your email account. If someone had access to your email, they would be able to see what password changes you have had on Pokebeach. If the problem still persists, then it's a moderator doing it (or a very dedicated hacker).
Heavenly Spoon :F said:
What exactly are the changes being made to your bio?

First my bio got rewritten but still has the same info, then Snoop Dos got added to my friends list. Now my siggy got messed with. It use to say "read the RULES" but now it's "forums". Plus my avvy got changed to the Xous shaymin. I only just noticed.
The Turkish Hackers are getting their revenge. :)

All spammy forum memes aside, if changing your password isn't working, then they must have your E-mail. If you change your E-mail to something else, you shouldn't have to worry about getting hacked (provided your other E-mails aren't also hacked).

Also, scan your computer for viruses, spyware, etc. because it sounds to me like someone's stealing your personal data.
@HS :F

Nope. And anyways, it's my iPod. In fact, I don't think anybody in my family knows I'm a member here.


I can't scan my iPod but I have an anti-spyware app. Nothing bad in my iPod. Also I changed my passwords. I'll see what happens.

P.S. If you get a PM from me saying something like "Yo'ure next", ignore it, it wasn't me.
sonicyellow said:
o_O I just got one saying that... darn it.

Also, you're banned?

He most likely got banned because of the PMs the hacker was sending out. =(
Twilight ShayminLvr said:
He most likely got banned because of the PMs the hacker was sending out. =(

Did you receive a private message as well? I got one from ASL claiming that I was next. I thought he was playing a practical joke, but when you put it like that, I am starting to wonder whether or not a hacker is involved.

This is beginning to creep me out a little bit.
PokeChamp said:
Did you receive a private message as well? I got one from ASL claiming that I was next. I thought he was playing a practical joke, but when you put it like that, I am starting to wonder whether or not a hacker is involved.

This is beginning to creep me out a little bit.
No, I didn't get the PM, but I know ASL personally and know he would never do something like this as a joke.
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