DPPt/HGSS I'm looking for USA/United Kingdom/France and Japanese Event Pokemon!

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Aspiring Trainer
Hey ^^
I'm an Austrian Girl and so I'm looking for some other languages Event Pokmemon!!
-I don't want cheats!
-And Pokmemon which you can't clone must be UT!!
-I only clone by GTS!

I'm looking for:
TRU Pokemon (MANAPHY/Shaymin/Arceus)
Gamestop/10th Dexys/NZ Jirachi Events (Jirachi/Dexys)
Ranger 3 Events
Arceus (France/Italy/USA/United Kingdom/Spain....)
VGC10 Evoli (Germany/USA/JAPANESE/FRANCE...)
Gamestop Pichu
The new Pokmeon movie 13 Events! (Celebi/Raiku/Entei/Suicune!)
and lots of other Event Pokmeon!

I haven't a trade topic in this Forum but you could look there
I have all my Pokemon ;)
I hope I'll find what I want ^^

My internet has decided to be stubborn and not allow me to use the link. Can you C&P or PM me what you have please?
@all: Sry ich have made a mistake with the quellcode ^^
the link is workling now ^^

@Bluesummers: It works now, I'll send U one ;)

@420masta1992: Yes but only one I don't trade SRY =/
I just gotta translate the natures of the Pokemon. But there are some shinies I want from you. I haven't checked the events yet though.
Bluesummers said:
I just gotta translate the natures of the Pokemon. But there are some shinies I want from you. I haven't checked the events yet though.

What Shinys du you want from me?
And what can you give me?-Can you check your Events before our trade pls?

420masta1992 said:
so theres no way you would trade it cuz i accidentily evolved mine to flareon

No but I have some chained Shiny Eevve, maybe you want one?
I'm interested in these shinies. It's a long list.>.<

RATTFRATZ Lv.5 OT:KNUT, wesen: Sacht, Kanto, ID:52985 UT
NIDORAN (w) Lv.2, OT: Priya, Route 201, wesen:Zaghaft, ID:45965 UT
NIDORINA Lv.29 OT:Keira, Route 221, wesen:Hastig, ID:10479 UT
NIDORAN (m) Lv.3 OT:KATHI, Route 201, wesen:Ernst, ID:03000 UT
NIDORINO Lv.31 OTogo, wesen: Sanft, Route 221, ID:62534 UT
VULPIX Lv.19 OT:YANNICK, Route 209, wesen:Lasch, ID:57242 UT
MAUZI Lv.16, OT:Alexa, Trophäengarten, wesen: Still, ID:58801 fast UT
FUKANO Lv.2 OT:Angel,Route 201, wesen:Froh, ID:63104 UT
ARKTOS jap, Lv.50, OT:Jorge, wesen: Locker, Entfernter Ort, ID:37881 UT
ZAPDOS Lv.50 OT: PAMELA, Kanto, wesen:Zart, ID:09053 UT
MEWTU Lv.70, OT:ROBI, Kanto, wesen:Zaghaft, ID:59781UT
RAIKU Lv.40 OT:Hanna, wesen:Mutig, Entfernter Ort, ID:25871 UT-checked by millencolin
HO-OH jap. Lv.45 OT:jap, wesen:Kühn, Entfernter Ort, ID:45774 UT
FORMEO Lv.18 OT:Alexa, wesen:Forsch, Trophäengarten, ID:58801 UT
KYOGRE Lv.70 OT:Mefisto, Hoenn, wesen: Scheu, ID:40406 UT
GROUDON Lv.70 OT:JF, wesen:Mäßig, Hoenn, ID:47490 UT
RAYQUAZA Lv.70 OT: Phillip, Hoenn, wesen:Zaghaft, ID:47135 fast UT
DIALGA Lv.47, OT:CHIARA, wesen: Still, Speersäulen, ID:53124 UT
PALKIA Lv.47, OT: SebasC, wesen:Robust, Speersäulen, ID:06281 UT
REGIGIGAS Lv.70 OT:Kevin, wesen: Frech, Blizzach-Tempel, ID:26733 UT
GIRATINA Lv.47, OT:Amanda, wesen:Zaghaft, Entfernter Ort, ID:65215 UT

My shop link is in my banner. I also have other events and shinies if you are interested in something else.
420masta1992 said:
possibly ill lyk in a lil bit

the are only chatched whitch more effort...

Redlatios said:
i don't talk austrian.. what ios your haves list...please?

I havent a list....you must look what you want =/

Bluesummers said:
I'm interested in these shinies. It's a long list.>.<

RATTFRATZ Lv.5 OT:KNUT, wesen: Sacht, Kanto, ID:52985 UT
NIDORAN (w) Lv.2, OT: Priya, Route 201, wesen:Zaghaft, ID:45965 UT
NIDORINA Lv.29 OT:Keira, Route 221, wesen:Hastig, ID:10479 UT
NIDORAN (m) Lv.3 OT:KATHI, Route 201, wesen:Ernst, ID:03000 UT
NIDORINO Lv.31 OTogo, wesen: Sanft, Route 221, ID:62534 UT
VULPIX Lv.19 OT:YANNICK, Route 209, wesen:Lasch, ID:57242 UT
MAUZI Lv.16, OT:Alexa, Trophäengarten, wesen: Still, ID:58801 fast UT
FUKANO Lv.2 OT:Angel,Route 201, wesen:Froh, ID:63104 UT
ARKTOS Japanese, Lv.50, OT:Jorge, wesen: Locker, Entfernter Ort, ID:37881 UT
ZAPDOS Lv.50 OT: PAMELA, Kanto, wesen:Zart, ID:09053 UT
MEWTU Lv.70, OT:ROBI, Kanto, wesen:Zaghaft, ID:59781UT
RAIKU Lv.40 OT:Hanna, wesen:Mutig, Entfernter Ort, ID:25871 UT-checked by millencolin
HO-OH Japanese. Lv.45 OT:Japanese, wesen:Kühn, Entfernter Ort, ID:45774 UT
FORMEO Lv.18 OT:Alexa, wesen:Forsch, Trophäengarten, ID:58801 UT
KYOGRE Lv.70 OT:Mefisto, Hoenn, wesen: Scheu, ID:40406 UT
GROUDON Lv.70 OT:JF, wesen:Mäßig, Hoenn, ID:47490 UT
RAYQUAZA Lv.70 OT: Phillip, Hoenn, wesen:Zaghaft, ID:47135 fast UT
DIALGA Lv.47, OT:CHIARA, wesen: Still, Speersäulen, ID:53124 UT
PALKIA Lv.47, OT: SebasC, wesen:Robust, Speersäulen, ID:06281 UT
REGIGIGAS Lv.70 OT:Kevin, wesen: Frech, Blizzach-Tempel, ID:26733 UT
GIRATINA Lv.47, OT:Amanda, wesen:Zaghaft, Entfernter Ort, ID:65215 UT

My shop link is in my banner. I also have other events and shinies if you are interested in something else.

How many don't clonable Pokmeon can I get for this list?

safariblade said:
I have a lot of what you want. check out my thread. (link in sig)

I want to have the 2 Tru Shaymin and the Eigakan Shaymin and Pichu ^^ oh and the NZ Jirachi, what do you want for this?
Bluesummers said:
I would trade you 21 DS events for them. But I would check what I recieve from you.

ok its ok when i get
Michina Arceus
2/22/2010 - Jolly
3/3/2010 - Impish
3/5/2010 - Naive
2/26/2010 - Quirky

Italy:Likes to trash about,somewhat stubborn
Spain:Vervy finicky,Loves to eat
French:Qick tempered,strong willed

Ranger Shaymin:
Modest, Niave

Proud of its Power,often lost its thought

It's this too much? Yes or? =( Do you clone these Events???
Redlatios said:
is the lucario shiny? if yes, i would like to trade :)

Which Lucario? I have noticed: the first 5 post are my shinys then my events-gts events then come my IV's they are not shiny...
What you want is not too much. Do you want me to include some TRU events you do not have and a VGC UK Eevees also? I do clone the events.
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