I'm Scared...


2011 Worlds Winner
Hi. For some reason, I randomly decided to look up the plots of Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street. I'm 10, so it really freaked me out. Does anyone have any ideas how I can calm myself and get away that sickly feeling in my stomach?
From my experience, there's very little you can do. :(


-Watching several comedies that make you laugh
-Keeping everywhere you are well-lit
-Sleeping with a light on

I know the feeling, and I hope this helps!
i feel you man, I did the exact same thing at the same age.
Just relax, watch some funny things, do whatever that will help.
The image may be in beaded in your head for a few days, just think of opposite and relaxing things if the do appear.
Look; I'm a HUGE fan of scary movies. I do have very intresting nightmares though. >:D Anyway; I enjoy the thrills. Maybe you don't. I reccomend to go see the movies. (Why? You know the plot. It won't hurt to know your fear can't escape the movie theater) See them with friends! They make it all the better. Even if you don't go; don't forget that they are only movies. Jason or anyone else isn't going to kill you. They are just clever characters designed to make your heart beat fast.
I know this feeling,it happened to me when I saw my dad and mom seeing Chuky.
I was 4,so I got a trauma for life.To some people he may not be scary,but for you it can.What I did:i started reading very funny Argentinian comics called "Yo,matias".Try to read something interesting,avoid jason and if someone start with a Jason topic while you are talking try to go to the bathroom and say your stomach hurted or something like that.I am saying you this because I do not want you to have a trauma or something like that.
Just go out with freinds and become very active, when i was 7 (i think) I watched lord of the rings and got proper freaked out xD
Hehe, my brother used to pull scary faces and i used to think he was possessed, I had a weird childhood :p .

Just hang round with freinds, try drawing tho that dosnt always work for me. sleep with ur door open and the landing light on/ your light on, it will go away, i know how ya fell dude
I watched "Fire in the sky" when I was about 5, and that was scary, especially considering its based on a true story! 0_o Although the movie did over exadgerate it...

Anyway, for some reason I find that sleeping in a room that is not on the ground floor is actually quite helpful for non-nightmare sleeping sometimes. And if you get too scared to sleep try listening to some music.
Well, if getting scared gets rid of hiccups, get hiccups so you're not scared!

I dunno. I always used to have trouble with the dark, but I just sat there andsorta lived through it. Probably not the best idea, I mean going to sleep with murder on the mind probably wouldn't work too well for too long.
Listen to your favorite music, read a good book, or just plain do something to keep your mind off of it. It'll go away eventually. Also, long live Jason Voorhees! ;p

dmaster out.
Just say to yourself that it isn't real and also tell your mother, she wioll always give you good advise :D. Also were here to not make you scared ;D. Read a good book and it will all go away, hope I helped dude!
Watch a different film that is moderately scary - but not the kind that would scare you like this did - so you will be thinking of that instead. Replacing a huge fear with a small fear that will go away after a while is sometimes a good thing to try.

If you don't think your up to that, try to spend as much time as youc an in the company opf others. Often you don't think abotu it when you are surrounded by other people. Read a book and listen to music before you go to bed, and sleep with a dim light on. If you can, arange a sleep-over with a friend - maybe spending a night with friendly compnay will make other nights easier to go through.

People say you dream about stuff you think abotu during the day, or stuff htat stays in your mind for a long time. So, try to watch other films or read other good books that will occupy your thoughts - maye you can dream about them :)

Hope that helps.
Watch a bunch of not scary TV shows like Barney or the Teletubbies until you get sick of them and crave something scary. Eat a lot of cotton candy too, it's delicious, and is also sugary, so you may be able to stay up later. If you go to bed early, like at 7pm, you probably won't be as scared while you sleep.
Do your homework especially mathematics questions that cracks your head up.

Watch pokemon(lol)

Hang out more in Pokebeach.

Tell it to someone that won't purposely scared you for that advantage

Sing songs :D

Read the bible and pray(for me, at least)

Avoid things that reminds you of the plot.

Time will cure everything eventually.
Remember, and think to yourself, none of this is real. I understand where you are coming from, as I used to be a 10 year-old (and I have never done well with horror films). Just remember, you are safe, as long as you have your family with you, as well as your friends, you are safe. Your parents would never let any harm come to you, so you are safe. Just think about the word "safe", what it means, and how you are "safe". Just forget about it, they are just characters made up to frighten you.
My advice would be to watch something you find really funny to distract yourself.

Also, if you have trouble falling sleep because of the freaky plot descriptions (something that used to happen to me), don't just lie there! You'll inevitably start thinking about the freaky stuff! Just read a book that has NOTHING to do with the freaky stuff!
The Fallen One said:
From my experience, there's very little you can do. :(


-Watching several comedies that make you laugh
-Keeping everywhere you are well-lit
-Sleeping with a light on

I know the feeling, and I hope this helps!

I used to walk around in the dark and have been well freaked out by it, although now I can easily go upstairs and collect a load of stuff in the dark, my advice is you need to get used to this experience while your young so you can easily not be scared later on in life.