I'm sorry but your cards are fake :(

your fake, lol jkjk

um.. I think the worst fake card I ever saw was a Teddiursa/Pikachu mix card with 800hp and did 200+ something atk, me and a friend kept on making obtuse reference's about it on a daily bases, good time's, good time's. cya
Many fake cards are made of thinner plastic and allow light to shine through (you can see the Poke Ball on the other side of the card if you hold it up to a well-lit ceiling). The writing is kinda off and letters look much thicker than normal. Also, the packaging on fake boosters is loose, unlike with real boosters which wrap tight around the cards inside. Needless to say, stay away from booster packs that have pictures of Pokemon with incorrect colours or crude artwork.

And as blunt as this is, please don't buy Pokemon cards from your local convenience store or from supermarkets. It's not always true, but those cards are usually fake.
Once my cousin spent around £15 on Cards at a local fair, was really excited about it, then when we got home he got a text saying that the cards were fake and then he got really upset, especially since that he had been saving up for something else.
When my brother and I used to play, he went to school and traded for a Palkia Lv. X he was excited to use it on me. But when i saw it, I told him it was fake and would not play him. He got mad.
It's really sad how lil' kids can't tell the difference. Though he was 13, unless he's never been on any pokemon forums or read any issues of Pokemon World he should know the difference. I'm 13, and I do. Anywho, I still feel sorry for the little ones who have no idea. :(
I'm 10 and I do. once I traded for a fake Shiftry before I knew. Another thing kids often don't know is the rules of the game! A lot of kids, unfortunately, play Pokemon with made-up rules.
Is it weird that I've... never run into this? I run a league, and usually every every new kid under 13 who shows up has some amount of fake cards, which I always point out to them. I've never had teary sadness as a response, it's either "oh really? that sucks" or just "okay... what can I do with my real ones then?". And this is coming from juniors..
Empoleafeon said:
I'm 10 and I do. once I traded for a fake Shiftry before I knew. Another thing kids often don't know is the rules of the game! A lot of kids, unfortunately, play Pokemon with made-up rules.

Most kids grow up not being bothered to actually read the rule book. That's why. :)
I ran into a kid at league once who wanted to trade with me. He pulls out a stack of fake cards that he said were his "best cards". I asked him where he got them and he said he bought them at Wal-Mart in the five or eight (I forget how many) card "mini packs" that they sell for around two dollars. I told him that he was buying fake cards and that the whole stack of cards were fake but he just told me that I was wrong and that it was impossible since they came from a pack and he didn't want to trade with me. What can you do? I tried. *shrug*