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I'MBACKAGAIN!HaveBlastoise!NeedComputerSearch!Lookingforquicktrades! LoveTrainers!!!!

I could use them, as well as the tornado's, but I have to pick up a landy, 2 reg/2 FA skylas, com searchs, and FA Cherens before I go for wants. Lol.
@KoN-I don't think I can do that because my friend wants to build a Nado Deck. Sorry.
@Above-Sorry, I value Blastoise much higher.
iisnumber12 said:
@KoN-I don't think I can do that because my friend wants to build a Nado Deck. Sorry.
@Above-Sorry, I value Blastoise much higher.

Well how do u value it because its only between $5-$8 each (non-holo to rh) and can u please countet then
dragon buster said:
iisnumber12 said:
@KoN-I don't think I can do that because my friend wants to build a Nado Deck. Sorry.
@Above-Sorry, I value Blastoise much higher.

Well how do u value it because its only between $5-$8 each (non-holo to rh) and can u please countet then

Sorry, I don't think I can trade the Blastoise for anything you have.
Interested in FA Groudon EX and Holo Chandelure. I have a regular Ho-oh EX and a ton of trainers. Let me know! (and in case you check my trade thread, I probably will not have the Landy EXs anymore =p)
Hey, do you have any english tropical beaches for trade? If you do have it, I could trade stuff from your want, I have a lot of unlisted good T/S/S.