Wi-Fi Trades ImminentFate13's First Trading Thread


Aspiring Trainer
Friend Code: 4313-1127-3353
Time Zone: ETZ
Times Available: Variable. Contact me individually to check.

-Froakie lv 1
-Chespin lv 1
-Fennekin lv 1
-Squirtle lv 1
-Charmander lv 1
-Torchic lv 1
-Togepi lv 1
-Klefki lv 1
-Pikachu lv 17
-Gyarados lv 31
-Jynx lv 40
-Druddigon lv 30
-Skrelp lv 1
-Zorua/Zoroark lv 1/lv 35
-Riolu lv 1
-Magmar lv 30
-Sylveon lv 2
-Eevee lv 1
-Umbreon lv 5
-Espeon lv 3
-Dratini lv 1
-Axew lv 1
-Absol lv 1
-Drifloon/Drifblim lv 1/lv 73
-Larvesta lv 1
-Gible lv 1
-Bagon lv 1
-Noibat/Noivern lv 1
-Ralts/Gardevoir lv 1/lv 36
-Larvitar/Pupitar/Tyranitar lv 1
-Magnemite/Magnezone lv 1/lv 39
-Xerneas lv 51

Services Offered:
-Breeding Services

Hey, I have some Bulbasaurs, both genders of Litleo, Inkay, and Tyrunt. How did you get a Magnezone? I'd definitely be interested in the Umbreon. I'm not sure if you're only trading what's on your haves list, but if not, check out my MyPlayer in my signature and see if there's anything I need that you have.
I want Magnezone! I can offer Litleo (or Evo`s), I can get you Inkay, and i can get you Tyrunt..You can choose wich one you want
Hey, I want Umbreon and Espeon.
I have Bulbasaur, Litleo, Mareep and Inkay.

What you say?
momoxmomo said:
Hey, I have some Bulbasaurs, both genders of Litleo, Inkay, and Tyrunt. How did you get a Magnezone? I'd definitely be interested in the Umbreon. I'm not sure if you're only trading what's on your haves list, but if not, check out my MyPlayer in my signature and see if there's anything I need that you have.

I got Magnezone by leveling up my Magneton on Route 13. If you would like Umbreon, I would trade you for an Inkay, if you're still interested.

ShinyVincent said:
I want Magnezone! I can offer Litleo (or Evo`s), I can get you Inkay, and i can get you Tyrunt..You can choose wich one you want

I'll trade you the Magnezone for a Litleo! I'll PM you

Nitros said:
Hey, I want Umbreon and Espeon.
I have Bulbasaur, Litleo, Mareep and Inkay.

What you say?

I have an Umbreon trade pending, but I Espeon is still up if you're still interested. I'd trade it for a Bulbasaur or a Mareep. I'll PM you.