Pokemon Immpossible pokemon

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An abyss is like a bottomless pit. Think of it as coming from nowhere.

now mine is how does foretress eat,

Ever see a Chao eat? Same thing. No? Think making eating motions, and the food just kinda goes down until it's all gone.


Not hard, put the body near some drink and go nuts


Not really hard, his attacks are easily done with his body

and mate?

Same way as everyone else, stork brings the egg.
Beachdudelbi said:
The eating part sounds kinda cartoony :p
And what is a Chao?

A chao is a creature you can get in some of the Sonic games. You raise it like a virtual pet.
Anyway, it is just a game, after all it would be lame if it just used real looking creatures that could only do what real creatures can. So don't complain if a few things seem illogical.
-Where do fire pokemon get their fire from? From matches
-how can a water pokemon store so much water in their bodies? They have strong blatters
-Where do the rocks from rock throw etc come from? kidney stones
-How do you suppose pokemon mate if they don't have... you know? Giggity
-How are pokemon made from rock supposed to move? Think about it There outer part is rock.
-How does a chickorita use razor leaf if it only has one leaf? I eats Fiber so it can make more.
-Just how far could a vine whip go and how is it stored in their bodies? Im not the Czar of know all pokemon.
Hey gys these answers are great, well some of them:p Here a new one:

Bellsprout. With its tiny body how is it supposed to eat something and fit it in its tiny stomach and... stuff after that.
Well #1 it mainly eats sunlight and water
MAYBE after it sucks the nutrients out of it's food it simply spits it back out.
Of course Bellsprout doesn't eat like a giant ham, it survives on small things that it can digest, y'know, like, water. And sunlight I guess. Beachdudelbi pretty much has the right idea.
I've just thought of a good one:

Regice. Its made of ice, so where are its internal organs and all the other things which are nessicary to live?
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