Important Family Members

Shining Suicune

Aspiring Trainer
Post here if you have any important family members you would like to honor.
My grandpa served in WWII and captured a German Flag from some enemy soldiers, but died of smoking, before I was even born.:(
darkrai master777 said:
My Grandfather also served during WWII. He died of heart problems a years back.

My Great Gross papa was in WW2.... he was one of those germans forced to fight. he fought hard and long he loved his contry.

hes one of those people who would never tell his story... but you knew.
Both of my Grandparent's were Soldier's during World War 2, my youngest Grandfather passed on in March of Pneumonia and complications. My other Grandpa is bed ridden and is in and out of the hospital.

Both of my Grandmothers have passed, one of which dying before I was born.

I'd like to honor my uncle, as well, who took his life May 24th, 2006. He was one of the few people I looked up to and admired. :) He taught me many life lessons from his own life and told me many stories.

Thanks for listening. ^_^

I love my family.
I would like to honor my cousin, Nick. He went into the Marines and completed Basic Training with a broken leg. He died when a land mine blew up under an bridge he was crossing. I'm proud that he died serving his country. I know that the rest of my family is too.
I had a grandparent who died, whom served in WWII. I have another grandparent who served in the Korean War.
Hey, it's a lot harder than it is stereotyped to be. He works a lot harder than the millionares who spend 5-6 hours on the computer everyday, and go home.
They are constantly rotating from taking orders, to cooking, to cleaning, and much more. There are no breaks, and the time gien to make the food people want is very small. You don't have time to mess up an order, and some customers are very rude. The work isn't too exhausting, but the speed you have to do it in makes it hard.
I would like to honor my grandfather and my father. My Grandfather is a WWII soldier survivor also, like everybody else's. o.0 (the thing is, my grandfather survived the entire war AND is still alive, he can still run and party)

My father is just a famous actor and saves people's lives. Paramedic and Actor.
My mom who works around my house all day putting up with me and my brother. She works in the garden and what not. My dad played on the Atlanta Falcons in the '80's. He is always working for my family and pays our taxes and stuff.

My family is weird in a good kind of way and we always have amazing stories to tell.
My Grandfather is a really special man, he served in WW2 etc.
So is my Great-Grandfather or something who served in WW1... Yeah.