Pokemon In the Defense of Hated Pokemon...

Anime Psyclone

The Chosen One
If you like a Pokemon that's commonly hated, you can post here saying why. For example, I actually think Diggersby is a decent Pokemon. It's a rabbit strong enough to fight against humans, and it digs rather fast. That's a cool concept.
I'm a huge fan of the trio of hated Gen 5 Pokemon- the Vanilluxe line, the Klinklang line, and the Garbodor line. That would mostly just be because I love Gen 5, but I like to think those Pokemon were actually pretty neat.
And hell, Trubbish might be just a trash bag with googly eyes and a mouth shapried on, but I would die for the chance to hug one :3c
Everyone hated Popplio start of gen 7

I didn't.

TBH, I didn't really like Popplio when I first saw it. I wouldn't say I outright hated it.

One of my favorite Gen II Pokemon is Dunsparce. I find it cute, and underappreciated.
I have a lot of love for the unloved Pokémon tbh. Some of my favourite Pokemon are Binacle and Barbaracle, which don't get much love at all, and I really like the Monkey trio, Aromatisse, Slurpuff, Purugly, Skuntank, Vanillite (and co) and pretty much all of the gen 4 (pre)evolutions that most find weren't needed!