In what country do you learn what language?

Wanting even more learning Japanese and Chinese :( but i've Latin and Greek; ανδ Γρεεκ ις ΑϜΕΣΟΜΕ :D!!!
Let me ask, you guys learn all these foreign languages, but are you... uh, able to like, write an essay in that language, or you just learn it superficially?
I have to learn french, I can write an essay but only at a B-A grade standard so it isn't great but french is my weakest subject. I know that learning french is an essential but I would rather spend that time learning extra science or politics or something that will benifit me living in an ENGLISH country
To be qualified for a 100% scholarship to any florida college/university, we have to take 2 years of foreign lanuage.
Noobnerd said:
Let me ask, you guys learn all these foreign languages, but are you... uh, able to like, write an essay in that language, or you just learn it superficially?

Only 2 years is required for in-state colleges. That being said, three years of Spanish, and I'm still terrible at recognizing words/definitions, and don't get me started on a full essay in Spanish. x_x

dmaster out.
xxJytzxx said:
Juliacoolo said:
In my school, we are required to take 90 hours of Spanish, German, and French in our middle school carreer.

They have that many different choices of foreign in middle school? And that many hours? What state do you live in?

Noobnerd said:
Let me ask, you guys learn all these foreign languages, but are you... uh, able to like, write an essay in that language, or you just learn it superficially?

Yes. We learn basic words and phrases in the first 30 hours. We learn grammar, and extended vocab in the second 90, and we piece it together and write reports, and other stuff in the third 30 hours.
in our school, here in the philippines, we only use our own language and english. most of the schools here do that. some schools here (which have oh so high tuition fees) use english only coz the students come from different countries. The problem here in the Philippines is that our Filipino language is divided into 76 dialects. so, in total, most of the students here know english, filipino, and their dialect or vernacular.
people here study other languages on their own or they enroll in foreign language teaching schools. of course, if a student has to take a course which involves foreign languages then he learns some. Also, the Philippines is forced to learn english coz there are more than a million foreign people here in our country, and most people who work abroad need to have a communication medium with others, so we need to learn english (or other languages, IF required.)
Still, it's just english and filipino we use here.