So nobody has talked about this yet, so I'll be the first one I guess.
Anyone that was at Fort Wayne, Indiana Regional championships on 10/27 more than likely heard about the Chris Fulop situation that happened on the very last round of Top 32 (the last of the grueling 14, 50 minute, best 2/3 swiss rounds). If you were not here is what happened:
Going into the last round of the top 32, Chris (who I believe was 9-2-2?? He had 29 points.) gets down paired to a 5-4-4. There are many theories surrounding why the computer did this, but considering he and only one other person were downpaired farther than they should have, it was an obvious glitch in the system. Words were going around at the time that to be guaranteed top 8 you were going to need at least 30 points after the last round. Meaning Fulop only had to draw his opponent or win. However, this round resulted in many game changing losses and ties (Kyle S. and google Cawthon being one example as if they hadn't tied one of them would've cut), so all 29's ended up getting in (unknown to Chris at the time). So before his match he automatically begins talking to the judges about what happened in the system and absolutely no one knows why. He is forced to play the match none the less, and before the match starts Chris requests an intentional draw with his opponent (who had absolutely no chance of cutting that round), and he refuses. Well guess what happens, Chris ends up losing the match and he is furious. Words are thrown around (I won't go into that) and Fulop immediately talks to AJ (the head judge), while still angry I might add, saying that he wants to be either reimbursed for his time and/or money.... OR get into top 8 (considering this is the first tournament structure using the new $20 entry fee). Again words are said and AJ disqualifies him for multiple reasons including "Spirit of the Game".
Side Notes:
So the questions are:
What do you think should of happened?
Should Chris have had any reimbursement on his loss?
Who do we blame for this? Is it the 50 minutes 2/3?
What should the judging staff should have done differently?
What was your overall opinion on the situation and the tournament structure in general?
Anyone that was at Fort Wayne, Indiana Regional championships on 10/27 more than likely heard about the Chris Fulop situation that happened on the very last round of Top 32 (the last of the grueling 14, 50 minute, best 2/3 swiss rounds). If you were not here is what happened:
Going into the last round of the top 32, Chris (who I believe was 9-2-2?? He had 29 points.) gets down paired to a 5-4-4. There are many theories surrounding why the computer did this, but considering he and only one other person were downpaired farther than they should have, it was an obvious glitch in the system. Words were going around at the time that to be guaranteed top 8 you were going to need at least 30 points after the last round. Meaning Fulop only had to draw his opponent or win. However, this round resulted in many game changing losses and ties (Kyle S. and google Cawthon being one example as if they hadn't tied one of them would've cut), so all 29's ended up getting in (unknown to Chris at the time). So before his match he automatically begins talking to the judges about what happened in the system and absolutely no one knows why. He is forced to play the match none the less, and before the match starts Chris requests an intentional draw with his opponent (who had absolutely no chance of cutting that round), and he refuses. Well guess what happens, Chris ends up losing the match and he is furious. Words are thrown around (I won't go into that) and Fulop immediately talks to AJ (the head judge), while still angry I might add, saying that he wants to be either reimbursed for his time and/or money.... OR get into top 8 (considering this is the first tournament structure using the new $20 entry fee). Again words are said and AJ disqualifies him for multiple reasons including "Spirit of the Game".
Side Notes:
Also, according to many players (including myself as my first round tie shouldn't have happened), the judging staff wasn't exactly.... well I'm not going to sugar coat it. They were bad
Also, discuss the recent "cheating" at Philly. Apparently someone was looking at the bottom card of their deck after the cut, but I wasn't there so I will stay off that for now (whether or not that was a rumor is also un-confirmed by me)
I tried to make the story as un-biased as possible having Fulop being from around my area and holding multiple conversations with him, but it was difficult. Also, I may be missing some details so please try to correct things as little as possible.
Also, discuss the recent "cheating" at Philly. Apparently someone was looking at the bottom card of their deck after the cut, but I wasn't there so I will stay off that for now (whether or not that was a rumor is also un-confirmed by me)
I tried to make the story as un-biased as possible having Fulop being from around my area and holding multiple conversations with him, but it was difficult. Also, I may be missing some details so please try to correct things as little as possible.
So the questions are:
What do you think should of happened?
Should Chris have had any reimbursement on his loss?
Who do we blame for this? Is it the 50 minutes 2/3?
What should the judging staff should have done differently?
What was your overall opinion on the situation and the tournament structure in general?