I've been tinkering with a list a bit similar as of late. There is some solid advice above, but I will walk you through my own list and you can pick and choose ideas as they seem to work for you.
I am most surprised at the lack of Kiawe here? Getting an Entei fully charged on the first turn is pretty awesome. You can start chipping for 100+ or even GX straight out of the gate on T2. And with Kiawe comes Ho-oh-GX, which adds more chances to have the right starter; an alternate attacker & weakness to the deck in case of coming up against [W] decks. It doesn't work with Infernape's burn, but that's okay, it can still add pressure to bench that puts things within range of Entei's attack & burn or Infernape's attack & burn. Add Lele for support like every deck under the sun, you really really want to hit that T1 Kiawe. I typically include one copy of Volcanion-EX for when I need that extra 30 damage.
3 Entei-GX
2 Ho-oh-GX
3-2-3 Infernape (& 2 Rare Candy)
2 Tapu Lele (maybe even 3)
1 Oranguru
1 Volcanion-Ex
Total 17
So ideal T1 is an Entei or Ho-oh in active, and start setting up apes on the bench (multiple if you can manage it). If it's a Chimchar/Lele we can always attach an energy to retreat with and still Kiawe charge the attacker. Preferably Kiawe is in hand and not have to Lele for it. Let's increase those chances with a 4-count. For draw support I go 3-3-3 Sycamore-N-Cynthia. As mentioned above, discarding candies can hurt. I do like Fan Club over Brigette here, you can dig for next-turn Leles, and if you have Volcanion in it's better. But if you're not including Volcanion it's worse. Soooo., your call. But you don't need three god no. Put those slots somewhere into draw support instead.
2-3 Guzma is pretty standard. People will retreat a lot to shake off those burns. Pull them back out in front and finish them off.
I like the idea of Kukui, but a Volcanion on the bench is a far better option.
4 Kiawe
1 Fan Club
3 Sycamore
3 N
3 Cynthia
2 Guzma
Total 16
Ultra Ball is a four count in every deck in standard and expanded for good reason. It gets you Lele when you need it. Evosoda can't even grab half of your pokemon. None at all on T1 OR if you don't already have a Chimchar out. The aforementioned Rare Candy I have two of. Max Elixir can work in this deck, but it's not as critical if you manage Kiawe early. I've gone with two, as well as one Exp. Share to attempt to keep energy in play after KOs. 11 basic energy to go with that. No need for burning energy, no Pokémon here discard as they attack? For my other tools I've gone with 3 Fighting Fury Belt as it makes Entei & Ho-oh far more formidable. It's no use to Infernape of course, and argument could be made for choice band here, but imo you already hit the right numbers without thanks to Volcanion when necessary.
With my remaining slots, I've gone with a Field Blower (anti Garb, although Entei's GX is the usual method) & a Rescue Stretcher. One Energy Retrieval & one Energy Recycler - these are included with Volcanion in mind. Your mileage may vary.
4 Ultra Ball
2 Rare Candy
2 Max Elixir
1 Exp Share
1 Field Blower
1 Rescue Stretcher
1 Energy Retrieval
1 Energy Recycler
11 [R] energy
Total 27
Stuff I would like to add includes one Acerola since the Belts make the Basics so bulky. For a Stadia I would go with Scorched Earth probably, since there's plenty of energy recycling anyway, and neither Octillery or Zoroark really works right.