That infernape...
Poor man's garganacl in Raging bolt at best: As it's easier to have energy in discard or deck, I'm afraid that this Infernape is outclassed by Garganacl, Sada's vitality, and turbo energize. Worse yet, stage 2... Garganacl may also be a stage 2, but Bibarel, Skwovet, and Garganacl's easier Energy access really serves as a way to alleviate the urge for sandy shocks ex in the early game when sandy shocks can't use its ability because at that stage of game, both players would have yet to see their respective opponent go to four prizes left. Besides, Garganacl has a better attack than slither wings anyway: the recoil from attack hurts slither wing more.
Allow me to try my best "N's Rhyperior impression":
3 out of 5 Geodudes...