Infernape SF + Ho-oh Legend what?



So you get Ho-oh Legend on your field, rare candy/BTS into Infernape, and instantly power it up. Super surprise KOs, and really fast possible set-up and possible recovery via Seeker/SSU, like turn 2-3.

I'm thinking something like this:

2-2 Ho-oh Legend
4-3-4 Infernape SF

4x Bebe's
4x Looker's Investigation (gets rid of sprays etc.)
4x Pokemon Comm.
4x Rare Candy
?x BTS

and some fire energies. Thoughts? Suggestions?

Edit: Infernape can also be secondary attacker in case Ho-oh Legend is tied up somehow.
This idea is very flippy, can be power sprayed, and overall just doesn't give much return for all your effort. Its extremely clunky and inconsistent.
Why did you even post if you had nothing to contribute? I'm not looking for ways this idea can't work; I've already thought of that. With BTS + Seeker and SSU you can re-use Infernape's power easily in case it fails, and Looker's gets rid of Power Sprays.
Get a Typlosion Prime + Ninetails from HGSS for more draw power and maybe a couple Legend Boxes.

So maybe a 2-2 line of both Typlosion prime and Ninetails.

Other than that, nifty idea. Just pray you don't go against a Shiftree deck. Also, people should really stop being so negative on this forum.
Good idea. Still, though, Legends have little support behind them an Machamp SF still OHKOs them for 2 Prizes. You may want to include Heatran Lv. X to return the discarded energy back to Ho-Oh or Infernape (2nd attack) if you do run this.
Run DCE! It is brilliant in this deck; you can recharge Ho-Oh in one turn, on top of spreading the Blaze Dance love and getting a Ho-Oh ready and setting up Infernape to Spreading Fire. I personally prefer Infernape's attack.
actually ho oh and lugia legend dont give 2 prizes when knocked out

anddung on to that

rescue energy isnt a bad idia, seems like the easiest way recover ho oh
Really, not 2 prizes for Ho-oh and Lugia??? Hm. I guess I naturally assumed the rule was the same for all Legend cards, but I guess not.
Dang, I'm such a noob as far as card text/rulings go.
I really wanna build this deck (for fun, obviously), but I'm not sure what else to use. Anybody mind helping? Here's what I can think of so far:

2-2 Ho-oh Legend
3-3-3 Infernape SF (maybe 4-4-4 would be too much?)
?x Uxie
?x Azelf
Any starters?

4x Bebe's
?x Engineer's (either this or Ninetales, I'm thinking maybe Ninetales)
4x Seeker
?x Pokemon Collector
1x Palmer's (only 1 because of energy returner)

4x SSU
?x Junk Arm
2-4 Rare Candy
2-4 VS Seeker (to get back Seekers to reuse Infernape)
?x Pokemon Comm.
1x Luxury Ball
?x Warp point
2-3x Energy returner (to get back fires to re-use Infernape)

3-4 BTS

12-14 Fire energy
?x Rescue Energy
like 2x DCE

What else could this deck use? I really like Rescue Energy in here. Typhlosion Prime would be too much work, and you're only discarding 1 a turn so it isn't hard to re-attach every turn, especially with the many ways you have to reuse infernape.

Edit: would expert belt be good/useful in here?
Gatr Prime only attaches to water pokemon.
That is why you can combine it with Blastoise UL; its Wash Out Poke-Power can move Water energies to the Active Pokemon, allowing Ho-Oh Legend to attack as easily as T1. (Although, in that deck it would mostly be run as an aside, since Blastoise would be doing most of the attacking.)

You can use Typhy Prime in combination with Ninetales; discard the Fire Energy with Roast Reveal, then attach it with Afterburner. You effectively get 2 energies in one turn - faster setup. I do think Ninetales > Engineer's as it is reusable and doesn't use up your Supporter for the turn.
And yes, DCE is brilliant - which is why you could use Energy Exchanger to speed up deck consistency.

Ho-Oh doesn't need to be run in a Fire deck - in actuality it can be run in any deck, but Fire is good because of good draw power and just in case you run into Time Crystal. Even so it's a great idea.