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Infinite Impact! (Donphan/Garchomp MD) Cities, Masters


Aiming for Worlds
So, this is a deck idea that I missed out on trying in today's league. My city championship is next week so help me improve this deck :D.

Donphan Prime 4-4
Garchomp 2-1-1-1 (Speed Impact, Lvl X MD)
Relicanth -1
Azelf -1
Uxie -2
Unown Q -1
Sableye -4

22 Pokemon

Pokemon Collector -2
Judge -2
Seeker -2
Interviewer's Questions -1
Cyrus' Conspiracy -2
Bebe's -2
Flowershop Lady -1

14 Supporters

BTS -4

Rare Candy-3
Warp Point -2
Pokemon Commun. -2
Expert Belt -2
Luxury -1
VS seeker -1

15 Trainer's (Including BTS)

9 Fighting {F}

Basically, attack fast with Donphan while setting up the Garchomp Lv X. When Donphan gets knocked out, bring out Garchomp and 'restore' to revive Donphan on the field with 3 energies. Then, repeat (As long as 140 hp Garchomp survives an attack)

What do you guys think? I love the idea but I'm willing to listen to people's opinions! :D Thanks!
You're a smart man silenth. I'll fix this right away. IGNORE THESE LAST 2 POSTS, people :p
how did you know im a man? lol jk
maybe drop the cyrus for engineers for draw power and to get some energy in the discard for restore.
3 bts should be fine, maybe add another garchomp. then maybe make room for 2 dce for garchomp and you have a good second attacker.
-2 cyrus
-1 bts
-2 ???
+2 engineers
+1 garchom
+2 dce
What's the actual List ? You should play Garchomp in 2/1/2/1 or 2/2/2/1... You should play at least 3 bebe's and 3 Collector, Choose between Judge and Pont, don't leave the both... With Engineer's, take 2 Flower Shop Lady, or take Palmer/Fisherman. Add 3 {C}{C} by removing 3 {F}, Relicanth isn't very good, but Uxie lv.X is :D...
Otherwise, the deck looks pretty good ;)