Intrest In a Team Rocket Fan Fiction?


Sick of n00bs
I am just wondering if anyone has any intrest in reading a Team Rocket fan fiction? I am trying to decide weather or not to write one, so any comments would be nice! Thx
Do you mean a story following Team Rocket as a whole, or just Jessie and James?

Or Butch and Cassidy perhaps? I'd be interested either way. I've also thought of writing one myself.
I mean like some random people, and they mention characters like Jesse and James, but if there is more intrest, I could write one on Jesse and James
I was going to write something to do with team rocket, but it would be better if you did it first: that way I can steal all your ideas!

Nah, but I'd like to read it anyway :]
I'd love to read a team rocket ranfic, go on and post!!!!! HURRYYYY!! NOWWW!!!! jk
I have a preface already posted way below this topic somewhere

people should leave commments so I know where to go from there