Hi, I'm Photonblaze. I'm a youtube gamer and I love Pokémon, World of Tanks, War Thunder, Elsword, Kingdom Hearts, Minecraft, and some other games. I am an anime lover: I like Vampire Knight, Dragonball Z, Naruto, Bleach (but haven't watched it in a while so I've forgotten a lot lol), Sora No Woto (same with Bleach, haven't watched in a while).
I'm going to do the thing like MarekTheGamer2000 did:
Name in Pokémon Games: Ridley or Photon
Favorite Type: Psychic
Favorite Type Combo: Dragon-Psychic
Favorite Regions From Most to Least: Kalos (Totally, I'm gonna love it), Unova, Hoenn, Johto, Kanto, Sinnoh
Favorite Pokémon (Not gonna do team like he did): Latios
Favorite Pokémon Starter: Torchic/Combusken/Blaziken
Favorite Elite Four Member: Lance (Because in the games he actually does something)
Favorite Pokémon Game: Pokémon White 2 (But I'm gonna love Pokémon X

I have brown eyes, brown hair, and I like Vocaloid.
Nice to be on this forum. Thank you for your time.