Introduce Yourself!

I'm probably doing this wrong, but here goes nothing. I go by King, I'm 21, I'm in college. I'm here for trades pokemon/items/megastones and doing battles. Gen 5 is my least favorite generation of pokemon and my favorite is between gen2 and gen4. I have pokemon X. I also love music and anime. My friend code is 1590-6023-5557. I also play ps3 my psn is cpvking.
I'm new here but I've been browsing for a while. I play all the pokemon games as well as TCG. I'm located in North Dakota and am looking for people to play the TCG with so if anyone knows a good place to go or whatever please let me know!
Hello! I joined because of the community and just joined for fun! :D My Favorite Reigon is Hoenn, and I also Like Grumpigs. I have no luck with the shinies :( I also like using annoying moves I am still learning competitve play so if anyone can/will teach me for free I would LOVE the help (I might give you an Old part of my team!) Anyway, I should head off to other fourms! See ya!


MarekTheGamer2000 said:
Greetings everyone! My name is MarekTheGamer2000. I joined this site so i could share my pokemon experiences, and my project of my fakemon game im starting. I was browsing for a good website where i can post my fakemon apart from Deviantart, and i came across Pokebeach, i liked this website so i chosen this one to be it. Now then, my interests, i like RPG games, mostly of RPG's, i like World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy and Pokemon games, of all pokemon games i like mostly Sapphire and Pearl and my favorite pokemon of all is Dusknoir, and of ALL GAMES i like Resident Evil the most. My hobbies are, mostly, play games, read, hear music, draw, hack games and make my own, surf the web, and eat, A LOT, even though im skinny, but mostly, when im free, i spend most of my time using RPG Maker. Well then that is all, i hope to make many good friends here.

You and I should talk, Hoenn was the best :D
Hey all!
I joined pokebeach so I could have fair trade discussions with educated pokemon players. Found out about it over google! pretty much main hobbies and interests and games and mucking around with mates!
Good morrow everyone, I'm Random_Toast. I joined because I was really interested in pokemon conspiracies and theories, so while doing a google search for that topic, I ran across this lovely site.

Pokemon-wise I watch the anime when possible, have played quite a few of the games, and my favorite type is flying types. My favorite pokemon is Wingull.

I live on Long Beach Island, NJ, USA. I am a fan of the USC Gamecocks, and hope to attend either USC, or the US Naval Academy.

I am most interested in fan theories about the pokemon series, and feel it really adds to the whole series.
Hey there Pokemon fans, I am SylveonsAndEspurrs. I am currently getting seriously back onto the Pokemon universe and let me say this, I am so glad to be back in at full running force. Alongside playing the newest game Pokemon Y, I also write a good bit of short stories and poetry as well. And as my username would suggest, Sylveons and Espurrs have quickly taken the spot as my favorite Gen VI Pokemon. Feel free to send a friendly message and I'll get back as quick as I can!
Hey guys, My name is Pat with the username Patob215. I have been playing Pokemon since the good ole Red/Blue/Yellow days and been fascinated by the games ever since then. I found this site out a couple years ago when black and white was announced but was just checking in from time to time to see any updates on the games. Now I feel the need to join because I just got Pokemon Y and since none of my friends play it I figure I could get friends here who appreciate Pokemon as much as I do. I also like to animate and trying to get good at it so I can do it for a living. My other hobbies are running, surfing the web, drawing, and other stuff.
Hi all, I've been a fan of Pokebeach for a while but I joined to discuss X&Y competitive battling since I'm hoping to get into some VGC competitions
Hello All!,
My name is Pamela or Pam for short. I am 35 and the mother of a 16 yr. old. and AVID pokefan since the very beginning!

I decided to join this wonderful group because I live in a small rural area in Virginia, USA. I don't have many friends around who are as into pokemon as I am so I thought this would be a nice way to find and connect with other players and maybe make some new friends. :)

I found pokebeach while scanning through google searching for a group just like this! :)

My interests and hobbies include playing pokemon video games (of course ;P) reading, playing World of Warcraft on occasion, sculpting with polymer clay, knitting and just about anything else crafty, I have a deep love for comics and manga but lack of funds has slowed that dramatically, and most important, hanging out with my son. :)

I have been playing pokemon since 1998 but I had to take about 7 years off to deal with stuff at home and work. I'm SUPER excited right now because I have been counting the days until I could afford to get X&Y, and a 3DS! Tomorrow morning, I am jumping out of bed and heading out to get my games! :D I'm really looking forward to having some new friends to join me so please, feel free to message me, and chat about all things pokemon and more. :) -Pam
why you joined
where you found out about PokéBeach
your interests
anything else relevant

Hi everyone! I joined this forum because of the awesome friend safari code database :) I love pokemon obviously, though this is my first game I've owned since Gold/Silver came out lol. Its awesome how many of the original two generations are in XY imo! If you want to add me my friend code is 0989-2267-3541. Just PM me and I'll add you back!

Hello all, my name is Skyler.
I joined because I stumbled upon some deckbuilding advice and liked the way the community responded.
My interests are music, sociology, and of course Pokemon.
My hobbies are fencing, cooking, watching kung fu movies, and playing a variety of TCGs and RPGs with my friends.
I'm always down to talk and I've been playing Pokemon for almost 15 years. Message me if you want to trade or battle!
Hiya all, I'm Kimmarie, besides playing Pokemon, watching anime and scifi, I also play Maple Story where I am known in Kradia as Fynyksa or Hakkyo. I decided to join here after viewing one of the threads about the various wing pattern versions of Vivillon as I figured this may be a good place to pick up some friends for the friend safari as well as some useful information about various pokemon related things. Sadly, I am more of a lurker than a poster but now I have finally joined I will try to put in my 2 cents every so often :)

My favourite pokemon would be Jigglypuff, all because of her attitude problem in the anime XD I also really like Chimchar and all evolutions thereof and Haunter <3 Blue Gastrodon and Shinx (and all evos) are also faves.

Well, hope to see ppl around :)
Hi i'm cajun52 i'm from the uk, i've been playing pokemon since red and blue. i'm currently playing Y and came across these helpful forums whilst talking to people about vivillon colours so far i've tracked down 7 out of 18. so yeah hi and hope i make friends and maybe be of help to people. =)
Aloha! Name here is kenshi08. Joined this site to ultimately complete my pokedex for pokemon x. And also to look for tips. And i stumbledupon pokebeach while googling around. Love to play games, currently stuck on pokemon X n Y. Other stuff includes anime as well.
Hey there everyone! I'm BAMFosaurus and I've been a Pokemaniac as long as I can remember. I grew up with the games in my hand and always collected figures, plushes, and of course cards. I just recentley (About a year ago) started to learn the card game andd may have a few questions! My hobbies are singing, drawing, gaming, and anything Pokemon.
H there guys, I'm Qualeo! C: I've played Pokemon for many many years XD MY very first handheld game happened to be Pokemon Yellow that I got off Ebay XD I was originally scouting the net for good places to find Vivillion patterns when I stumbled across this site. It looked great, so here I am! I'm not a fighter (aha), so my battle teams are poor, but I love collecting rares and shiny pokemon! Hope to make some friends on here :)