Introduce Yourself!

Hi everybody, my name is Monster Blood and I originally signed up for this forum to get help and many answers about the TCG game. For me, the pokemon TCG has been the biggest part of the franchise in my life. I collect and have been playing them longer than I can remember, but I just recently got into playing the "real" way, as before, and when I was younger, (I'm 18 yrs. old now) me and my friends / siblings always made up our own games with them that were much more simple and much more fun at the time (For example, we wouldn't have to use energy cards, and we wouldn't play with prize cards, we could lay down as many as cards as we wanted, etc.) but after signing up it appears that this is a very nice forum and I will probably be using it for more than just asking for help / asking questions. (e.g., Trading, Swapping Deck Strategies, and so on)
I guess that is all,
~ Monster Blood
Hi guys,

joined because i started to play pokemon tcg online 2 days ago and i rly like it much.... now im looking to build a good deck....
I m sure this forum will help me build a deck right ?


Hey whats up y'all?
I'm Bruno Marinho, from Brazil.
I'm a huge fan of Pokemon, and just start to play Pokemon Trading card game, i found Pokebeach searching for news and infomations.
Thanks and cya
Hi I'm João/Duck444 From Portugal. I joined this forum to start adding some friends to my pokemon y game. I really need to hit some friend safari, especially the ones with chansey. My FC is 3969-48-78-9804. ;)
why you joined
where you found out about PokéBeach
your interests
anything else relevant

Hey all! I'm Thomas. I live in the US. I joined so I could post on this site. I've been visiting this sight for 5+ years, but just now decided to join. I LOVE Naruto Shippuden, I enjoy Pokemon, and play golf. I also like school. Uh... my favorite Pokemon is probably.... Greninja, just cuz it reminds me of Naruto hahahaha. I like Johto the best and Hoenn the least. XY was not nearly as good as I thought it would be. Best villians are obviously Team Rocket. I mean come on, they took over not one, but TWO regions. I always use the username Thood for EVERYTHING. So if you ever see this username, it's 99% of the time me haha. But yeah. Uh I'm also getting back into the PTCG slowly. Thanks for reading :)
I started playing a few months ago to spend more time with my son and have become addicted to playing....
Hello! I'm Freddy from Mexico, living in Texas! I'm an artist and I love Pokemon. I started playing since Red and Blue. I've always known about Pokebeach for a long time since about 2005-2006. But I finally got around to making an account. Hopefully I can get as involved as I wanted to, since they have finally announced the Alpha Sapphire!
Hey. I'm just lucking for some Safari-friends.
And foud this page at the search for it. Greetings
Hi, I'm MeowsticFan1 and I'm 14 years old.
I joined because I like Pokémon and mainly to exchange friend codes.
I play the game and watch the anime, I've never played TCG before though.
Favorite Pokémon so far are : Totodile and meowstic.
Hey guys, I'm Machoke! I joined this website because i'm a Pokemon enthusiast, and just love the show! I came here to get even more knowledge on this pledged crimson world of Pokemon! I am also a good forumer, I've forumed on other websites.

I found out about PokeBeach by wondering around google for places full of people who love pokemon.

My interests are youtube, pokemon, football (soccer) and gaming.

Football is my hobby.

-Thanks for reading!

I am Bill Pill, and I am from California I joined because, I do like Pokémon, I do enjoy chatting with other Pokemon lovers as well. I found out about PokéBeach by googling Pokémon forums. I do have school, and a 3DS, with Pokémon X. I once had Pokémon Pearl but its lost forever... I had manaphy on Pearl, by going to a an event at, Toys-R-Us. Another console I play frequently is Xbox 360. I mostly play Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, Titanfall, and some other games, heart brokenly wasted $120 on Grand Theft Auto V, and Call of Duty: Ghosts. ;_; They were fun... Peace.

My friend code: 2664-2290-1760 (Hit me up!)
I joined to share my knowledge with the world. I love pokemon itself, but I also (dont hate :( ) LOVE digimon. I found out about this forum by clicking a link from an epic fail forum and POOF i was luving it!
Hey everyone I'm Josh! I joined Pokébeach so I can talk with other collectors while I build mine. I found Pokébeach while searching for a good place to buy booster boxes online and, one of the results was a thread on this site. My hobbies consist of video games, collecting Pokémon cards, listening to music, and thinking haha. I also enjoy camping during the summer as well as target practice.
Hey, my name is Rodolfo, but pls call me Rodd haha. Im from California in the central valley and I finally picked up Pokemon thanks to my friends. :)
Hi everyone, I'm Jamie :) I'm from the UK and decided to join here after finally getting a 3DS and Pokemon X, and thought that this would be a great place to start mixing with people online with trades, battling etc.

Original plan was to just beat the Champion on each generation, but now that I've finally caught up, and because I'm enjoying X so much, I'm trying to take it further by learning more about EVs, IVs, breeding and competitive battling.
Hello everybody! I'm looking to make some friends, here's my friend code 0018-1948-3823. Name: Judy