Introduce Yourself!

Hey, I'm Caylen, or Caychun, like my username says. I know it's kind of a silly name but it's a nickname my grandmother gave to me so you can't laugh at it.

I came here specifically for trading; I'm currently working at completing every single US set of Pokemon cards, and I'm almost done with Base, Flashfire, and Furious Fists. I'm very active on the Pokemon TCG Subreddit and was advised to come here as well to speed up my collecting process.

From what I've seen this place seems really cool and I hope to have a good time trading and getting to know people around here!
A little late here, usually I just stick to the front page news forums so I didn't see this thread.

Anyways, whats up guys I just got back into pokemon really heavily after XY rejuvenated my love for the series (this seems to happen every 5 years or so). I originally got into pokemon back when it first started, playing red under the covers in the middle of the night with a flashlight is one of my fondest childhood memories. I used to also collect the cards very heavily and then stopped after Base 2 because it became so stale, I've recently started collecting again but have had to start from scratch because all my old cards were stolen. I used to have a full set of 1st edition Base, Jungle, and Fossil cards :/

I'm about half way through collecting all the english released cards at this point after only starting my collection from scratch about 6 months ago. I'm also very active over at the reddit forums with trades and discussions. I look forward to being here and having good discussions with all of you.
What up guys! This is Fratomon, and its great to be here at Pokebeach! I have been a Pokemon fan and player since 2001, and I have been collecting the TCG for about a year now. I joined PokeBeach out of support for the site and respect for the news its given me over the years. I of course found out about PokeBeach from the Pokemon community on the internet! :)

I am a youtuber, my name is Fratomon, and I make some videos including pack openings and LPs...but my true wheelhouse lies in impressions. I do a mean Peter Griffin! :p I parody many popular Poketubers though, like SlayerofMCA and PrimetimePokemon. I love sports, I'm a fan of Oakland Raiders, New York Yankees, and Cleveland Cavilers. I also am a proud WWE fan, have been for almost 10 years. Aside from that, Im a plain dude who doesnt do much :p I also serve as an event and video host for Team Sinnoh, dubbing myself "The VOICE of Team Sinnoh"...even though, it's a self-proclaimed title XD

Anyway, it's awesome to be here, and I look forward to chatting with you all!
Hey guys, I'm Issy, but you can just call me Virizyth.
I am from NSW Australia and I'm 16 years old (17 in a few months)
I have been a Pokemon fan ever since I got Pokemon Sapphire about 8 years ago. My favourite Pokemon is Virizion, you can call me a 'Mega Virizion Fan'. Snivy and Blaziken are my other two faves. I have another 100 or so Pokemon that I really like as well :D
I love to draw, if been doing it ever since I was 2. I like to draw dragons and realistic stuff traditionally (with pencil and paper), I only just got into digital art about a year ago. I've been getting better at it and right at the moment I'm trying to master Ken Sugimori's style and I'm also trying to get better at doing realistic drawings digitally.
I used to be on deviantArt and went by the name Pyroaura98, but I deactivated and I naver want to see that site again, seriously....
I now have accounts on other sites including Pokecharms and imgur were I upload my artwork. I like to create Fake Mega Pokemon, I've been doing it for at least 9 months now, I guess I'm sorta an expert at making them? I have made at least 35 megas including Mega Rayquaza, Greninja, Delphox, Milotic and Breloom.
I am huge Adventure Time fan, and I've seen most episodes, I haven't seen all of the latest season though. My favourite character is Lady Rainicorn. I'm also a fan of the Owls of Gahoole (book series), Lion King, Minecraft, Regular Show and a few Animes including Ouran Highschool Host Club, Fairy Tail, Sword Art Online and Soul Eater.
I'm pretty sure thats enough about me :D
Hey im Greg, I joined as im trying to comolete my card sets and heard this is a good place to trade. I play football and badmintin, love films and tv series and hanging with my friends.recently got back into pokemon., thanks to my bro! So now im going all out collecting
I´m Terumi! I like Pokémon since 1999. I´m most into the games, the first anime seasons and I like to collect the TCG.
Hi everyone, Im Cyclist_BE
I come here like everyday to view deck formations
when i was a kid i liked the series and the pokemon booster sets and now (again) im addicted to the online game (tcgo)
my fav pokemon is virizion!!
Hi guys! I'm Charlie and I'm from Spain. I'm interested in competitive battling and trading some mons and mega stones. See you around here!
Hey guys, I'm greencatdude(duh) and I joined pokebeach because it's awesome. I found out about pokebeach from thej-witze's Chanel on YouTube. My interests are pokemon (obviosly) and other video games. My hobbies are role playing, video games and pokemon. And one of my #1 favorite things to do is make pokemon decks.
Hi there Gus/TheArtistSmeargle here. I'm 29 and love anything pokemon man. I'm mainly into PC Gaming but the TCG has always been something I loved. I joined up here to get to trade with people as I take in tons of work hours and rarely have time to go out and trade at the local shops. I heard about this site through google doing the old "pokemon tcg forums trading" words XD.
Pokedad, been playing from Blue on, enjoy playing at my local league, and poke breeding!

Not much else to say.
Hey guys,I'm SuperGamerPerson. I joined because I wanted to be in a community that liked Pokemon as much as I like it. I found Pokebeach because of a few friends and my deviantART account. My interests include music,drawing,reading,and writing. I also like doing Q&A days. I guess my hobbies would be playing flute and piano and being in marching band. If marching band counts?
Hi, everyone my name is Chris. I found this site by just bouncing around looking for friend codes and I come to this one so I joined, simple as that.
Hey my name is Justice i joined to add friends to trade battle and friend safari.
message me with your friend code so i can add you. Mine is 4785-6677-4562.
Hey guys.

I joined because I was told on reddit that I have an extremely rare Pokemon card, and was told to post here about it so we can get more information about it!
Hi Everyone!
I'm CanadaX21 and I've been playing the games since RB/Y, but have never really been into the card game.
I've played MTG for years but just recently started playing PTCGO and found this forum through reddit.
I know there's lots of information around here so I'll be around checking it all out!