Okay, for some reason, every URL I enter to change my avatar, it says it's invalid. Is this a bug?
It exists, and I copied the url.Mimebread said:You probably either wrote in an incomplete url or the url doesn't exist anymore.
It's from Photobucket, and I used the direct link.ElectroManiac said:Sometimes pictures from Myspace or Facebook do not work on here.
Did you accidentally copy and paste it with the IMG tags around it?
Good idea. http://i981.photobucket.com/albums/ae296/SupaKip/iartv2.pngNoobnerd said:You know what? You should have posted the URL of the image you want to upload as your avatar in your first post, so that we can help. Without any information, we're helping blindly, and this thread will just become a magnet for "I've got the same issue". Good heavens...
Thanks, it works! Now, give credit!Electimortar said:Works just fine for me. I see what's wrong though. The three periods screw it up. Click the link, and put the whole thing in. Look at my avatar, and you'll see that image.