
Forum Shark

"What a great User title!"
Yes, I'm an Apple nerd. If you don't know what I'm talking about...


As a wise man once said... "DISCUSS!"
Lucario_aura_wielder said:
seems like half a tv don`t think you could actually carry that thing around

You do know it is like a pound or so, and you can fit it into a bag.

Anyways, honestly I think it's worth it in someways and then I don't because it's not a "need" so eh. And even if I were to ever get that, I'd wait for the 2nd Gen, because 1st gens always have their flaws.​
I'd rather get a macbook than this. It's a nice idea, but 500$ has many better ways to be spent.
Meh, looks okay.

Lol. When I saw the title for this thread I was thinking "Oh my God...." because MADTV did a spoof called "IPAD" and I'll just leave it at that.

ITs just a bigger, lees practical, way mroe expensive iphone with a word processor.

Tablet PCs never caught on, so I don't see why this should.

Laptop pricing with I-POd spec? No thanks.

Onyl thing its good for is watching movies on the go, though you can't exactly fit it in your pocket. Just get a netbook IMO.
For something which was rumoured to cost a little under $1000 (and, but extent, be completely unaffordable here in Belgium), I'm actually rather pleased. Nothing revolutionary, which is kinda sad, but as an ebook reader, on-the-god iWork thing, portable media-device (especially video), gaming device and potent netbook replacement it does seem decent. Apparently, according to all the reports I've read, you have to hold it to know what its all about, and I can imagine why. Browsing must be heaven on this.

I don't really see the problem with this being an oversized iPod Touch, I mean, the thing holding back more complex software on the iPod Touch was obviously size and processing power, which is exactly what this delivers. Things like iWork (by far my favourite productivity suite, and the iPad version looks downright stunning, cheap as well) and iBooks would've hardly been possible on it, and things like newspaper apps and whatever only really reach their full potential on something like this.

I'm sure this'll come in handy when I'll go to uni later this year, so I might end up getting one. Since it's just a Wi-Fi device (don't need the 3G), I might actually buy one from the US, It'll probably be half the price it'll eventually be here, 2 months later.

Anyhow, Fridge tablet PCs still fail, which is why this isn't one. This isn't a desktop OS like windows 7 thrown on a tablet, this is something built from the ground-up with a multitouch, multiple-orientations tablet in mind.

Anyhow, a bit disappointed by the lack of multitasking (but iPhone OS 4 is supposed to come out soon, which might fix that), and the lack of built-in iSight camera (which I guess is understandable when you don't want a single orientation, though I still hope they add one underneath the screen before launch, Apple actually has a patent for that).

Anyhow, the success of this thing will solely depend on the app support, and by extent the number of people who buy this, we'll see...

Still preferred iSlate as a name, though. But Apple's still fighting for the copyrights for iPad, so there's still a small bit of hope...
It does look like a super sized iTouch. ._. I am surprised and pleased that the price was cheaper, but I don't see the appeal if you already own Mac products. I also find it ironic that the announcement of this dropped Apple's stock. Not a good sign to what the consumers think of it.

dmaster out.
Right when I saw this I thought fail. I mean im not going to spend $500.00 on a oversized ipod touch. Unless it has more features.
This is defenetly something I'll probably get. I wont get it as soon as it comes out, but like, when they make a second version if they do, I'll get it.
not to sound like a hater but it reminds me of those touch screen stylus things, but with internet, that were big in the early 2000's (my mom got me one, it was terrible, it could not compare to pokemon silver) but it looks better and looks fun, but I don't want to look at my crotch to watch a movie so i'm gonna stick with my lappy (irregardless of how many problem's that it may riddle itself with). cya
The iPad looks very interesting. I was reading through some websites just to get some general info and it looks pretty sweet. Not sure if I'll get one though but it does look like a useful product. Plus, it's got a great sized screen for watching vids and stuff. It should be pretty cool.
The e-book reader just won't work on it. Seriously, there's a reason why the kindle/nook/etc. use e-ink displays: Staring at an LCD for a prolonged amount of time is not very comfortable or healthy for your eyes. The whole no multitasking thing is also disappointing.

I should also mention that they ripped off someone else's design for the iBooks thing: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/01/27/AR2010012704221.html
It's nice and all, but I hate touch screens. Whatever happened to pinpoint mouse precision?
Babasai said:
It's nice and all, but I hate touch screens. Whatever happened to pinpoint mouse precision?
You're not seriously suggesting a mouse-based tablet, are you?

Honestly, tablets only work with touch screens (be it finger or stylus based), it makes it magnitudes more practical at the cost of being less precise, though Apple's been doing a pretty good job at keeping its preciseness up to standards.

Want a mouse? Get a computer. It's that simple. Nothing happened to pinpoint mouse precision, it never existed on a tablet.
Heavenly Spoon :F said:
You're not seriously suggesting a mouse-based tablet, are you?

Honestly, tablets only work with touch screens (be it finger or stylus based), it makes it magnitudes more practical at the cost of being less precise, though Apple's been doing a pretty good job at keeping its preciseness up to standards.

Want a mouse? Get a computer. It's that simple. Nothing happened to pinpoint mouse precision, it never existed on a tablet.

I wasn't implying that. What I meant was that I don't like tablets in general for the reason that they lack mouses (mice). Don't get mad.