
Looks cool. Looking at the price I might not be able to get it. :(
But oh well I think Apple will still come out with other cool devices and will be more futuristic.
StiX said:
It looks really cool, but ill wait for the next generation ipad.

Your idea may be best. This article points out the ipad shortcomings

Definitely. As always Apple will have tons of updates for the first generation so it would be best to wait for No.2
omahanime said:
Your idea may be best. This article points out the ipad shortcomings

Multitasking, if it'll come, will come in the form of an iPhone OS update (which might even happen before the laucnh). Though multitasking will be rather limited by the OS anyways, with music playing in the background and chat notifications as like the only things which would truly be possible. For all the other things, you usually have to switch between apps, which doesn't take too long based on the reports

Flash support, if it'll come (which will most likely not happen, Flash is bloated and outdated, and apple is trying to move away from it in favour of HTML5), will also come in the form of an OS update or will be provided by Adobe. There's ways to convert flash into an app now, as well as some video streaming sites having an HTML5 beta (Example: Youtube). So yeah, don't count on it, unless Adobe finally shapes up (and even then, adds will probably be the main thing it'll constitute to).

Cameras will probably come as extras, since there's no single orientation, so no real place to put a camera, unless you put it on all 3 remaining sides (or on the back for ultimate silliness). If you really need one (video conferencing is the only thing I can think of which would make a camera on a device such as this useful, unless you have a vlog or something), then yeah, waiting for the 2nd version might be a good idea, but based on what happened to the iPod touch, don't get your hopes up...

Waiting for the 2nd version will probably mean you'll wait a year or so just to get a slightly better version with maybe a camera, doesn't sound like the best idea to me, just sayin'.
I think that really a netbook/tablet hybrid with ipod software would have been closer to the mark. A real computer and keyboard, with touch screen, and all the I-pod stuff. Thats what apple should have been aiming for, not an over-sied itouch. They should have given it the OS X operating system etc.
Fridge said:
They should have given it the OS X operating system etc.
Maybe Apple thinks you won't need that, because you will do other tasks with cloud computing.
Fridge said:
I think that really a netbook/tablet hybrid with ipod software would have been closer to the mark. A real computer and keyboard, with touch screen, and all the I-pod stuff. Thats what apple should have been aiming for, not an over-sied itouch. They should have given it the OS X operating system etc.
Rumour has it they are making a multi-touch iMac, don't know what that'll turn out to be, though. Most likely some form of hybrid between iPhone OS and OS X.

But anyhow, there have been quite a few tablet PCs in the past, all running a desktop OS, but these are hardly made for tablets. How many people do you know who actually use Windows 7's touchscreen function? How many people do you know with a Tablet? Nobody (most likely, as these people are few and far inbetween). Why? Because it's made for a keyboard and mouse. Mac OS X is even worse in that respect, as the buttons are insanely small, and the menubar is located at the very edge of the screen, traditionally the least responsive part. Redesigning programs and interface based on a tablet gives it a lot more potential (did you see the iWork demo?), with more of a focus on touchscreen functionality and less on minimalism.

And there is a keyboard dock, but I doubt it'll be used often. Who would ever make this their main computer?

The only silly thing about the iPad OS is that it uses the iPhone homescreen. Although I do think my opinion on this would be different if there had never been an iPhone. It's at least very straightforward, so I'm not complaining.
I really don't see the point unless you don't have an iPhone/Touch and want to use the features it offers. You know why nobody uses tablets now? Because the mouse/keyboard system is perfectly fine and more convenient a majority of the time. I thought the only purpose of a tablet was for drawing related purposes/the occasional gimmick game/using the computer flat in bed or something. And something like an iTouch works for when you're in a situation where you can't lay your computer down.

I've personally want to eventual get a tablet in the future, but I don't intend on using the tablet portion of it a majority of the time, it'll just be an extra thing I want to do build into a laptop I already have. (As opposed to buying one laptop and one flat tablet)

But I get it. Microsoft is literally the unforgiving devil of pain and suffering, so this is the first time anybody is allowed to buy any sort of tablet without having their soul sold to Bill Gates for eternity.