IPM's Original Shop! (Mods pls lock, I have moved this shop)

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RE: IPM's Original Shop! status=OPEN! No need to use forms! 2nd best active shop in PokéBeach Forums!

Hey IPM, will you do a TC or two for me please?

First one:
Exactly like the one in my sig, but can you change the templete to a more watery one, have the pokemon come out of the box, and switch goelm with marowak please? thanks.

Second one:
Gengar, Misdreavus, Dugtrio, Mr. Mime, Electrode, wobbuffet. Can the trainer be the one from emerald please? Can the templet be a darkish/ghosty one, and say underneith "Perish Song Kills" thanks.
RE: IPM's Original Shop! status=OPEN! No need to use forms! 2nd best active shop in PokéBeach Forums!

Hey, IPM, sorry but that I'm being picky, but I WANT THE BODY OF ESPEON EX BIGGER.
RE: IPM's Original Shop! status=OPEN! No need to use forms! 2nd best active shop in PokéBeach Forums!

I'd like a banner please!

Blaziken PK
Vaporeon Star
Flareon Pop 3
Wartortle CG (The one that is being used as the states promo)

I would like it to say:

Pokemon: a way of life. If you can't beat the heat, get back in the water!

RE: IPM's Original Shop! status=OPEN! No need to use forms! 2nd best active shop in PokéBeach Forums!

IPM, I don't think the statement in your title is politically correct.
RE: IPM's Original Shop! status=OPEN! No need to use forms! 2nd best active shop in PokéBeach Forums!

Can I get a banner like this:

Alakazam* CG, Mew ex LM, Banette ex LM

RE: IPM's Original Shop! status=OPEN! No need to use forms! 2nd best active shop in PokéBeach Forums!

that's for Dudeman1993.

link http://i13.tinypic.com/4c809js.png and give credit too!

that's for secretsof2113

link http://i17.tinypic.com/3y33u2w.png and don't forget to give credit too!

for Pok3M@ni@c

link http://i15.tinypic.com/2lsei3l.png don't forget to give credit too!

abaxter94 I can't do the first one but can do the second one just wait....

EDIT: Done!

and heres the link http://i13.tinypic.com/2z3xnbo.png

don't forget to give credit and post on the poll too!
RE: IPM's Original Shop! status=OPEN! No need to use forms!

can I have a banner with this settings:
pokemon:ghost pokemon and dragon ones please include girad the ghost/dragon pokemon
text:my ghost dragon team
if you can put the pokemon as I have in my banner and if possible a black/purple background please
RE: IPM's Original Shop! status=OPEN! No need to use forms!

IPM if you are telling me that I am saying a banner not a trainer card also if you can PM when it is ready
RE: IPM's Original Shop! status=OPEN! No need to use forms!



link http://i13.tinypic.com/2d7j32d.png and don't forget to give credit too!
RE: IPM's Original Shop! status=OPEN! No need to use forms!

hmm I think I confused you,what I was trying to tell is that the sprites of pokemon were little as in my banner also put girad yonowaru fuwuaraido and other ghost pokemon also put dragon pokemon please. and a black background.
but it is my fault I didn,t explain myself very good also I will put the ghost pokemon numbers
in 5 minutes
fuwaraido 426
yonowaru 477
girad :487
also the other banner looks good I think you make good banners
RE: IPM's Original Shop! status=OPEN! No need to use forms!

I will give credit, and I looks great, thanks!
RE: IPM's Original Shop! status=OPEN! No need to use forms!

"thanks, but could u change the text to "The terror from hell..." and the pic to male emerald, please"

where have i cussed?
Sorry if i sad something wrong, but my english isnt so good... :(
RE: IPM's Original Shop! status=OPEN! No need to use forms!

"The terror of h***" part. And IPM, the banner is beastly!! Go Espeon...and you!
RE: IPM's Original Shop! status=OPEN! No need to use forms!

hell is a cuss??? I ment it as the place were bad dudes go when they die... Not like a bad word... The opposite of heaven!
RE: IPM's Original Shop! status=OPEN! No need to use forms!

Just try not use that word. Let's get back on topic!
RE: IPM's Original Shop! status=OPEN! No need to use forms!

I would like a banner please with pics of cards in this order Gyrados ex FRLG, Gyrados DX, Gyrados d HP and have in black writing under the pics like his^ banner say: The Gyrados's Legend. Thanx in advance..;)

dmaster out.
RE: IPM's Original Shop! status=OPEN! No need to use forms!

Hey Ice, I got the hang of this modification banner thing. Do you think you need anymore help on banners? I could help you guys out if you need it!
RE: IPM's Original Shop! status=OPEN! No need to use forms!

ok thanks! you can be my another helper while I'm not online.

d master342: Done!


and heres the link http://i16.tinypic.com/4gsh6iq.png
sorry I can't remember the font so you'll have to take this one
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