iPod Apps


I just got an iPod touch, and I don't really know what apps to download, so can anybody recommend some?
1. Facebook
2 Rock Band
3 e-wifi (you find wifi more easier)
4 tetris
5 echofon
6 360 live
7 TouchMouse
8 Sonic the Hedgehog
9 paint shop.com mobile
10 coolris
11 jelly car 2
12 stick-fu
13 tap tap 3
14 need for speed shift
15 remote

Must I go on? :D
Well, there's an app from the Monterey Bay Aquarium that alerts you to whether or not the seafood you're eating is environmentally sound. Kind of random, but you said you wanted free ones. (A general rule of thumb, though not foolproof, is that seafood raised in the United States is environmentally safer, due to strict regulations from the FDA and USDA.)
1. Facebook
2 Rock Band free
3 e-wifi (you find wifi more easier)
4 echofon
5 360 live
6 TouchMouse
7 paint shop.com mobile
8 coolris
9 jelly car 1
10 tap tap 3
11 remote
-GTI Racing LITE
-Lightsaber Unleashed
-Pets Live (It's kinda like pokemon)
-Sunday Lawn
-Traffic Rush
-Battery Magic
-The Weather Channel

'Nuff said.
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