iPod Touchs

Is The iPod touch Good or bad?

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I has gud gramer.I no ned 2 improf.
Are they good or bad? I really need to know! I'm getting one. I just wanna know. Please only post if you have one.

I'd imagine someone who'd want a Touch just doesn't need/want the phone and I'm assuming the Touch dosen't have monthly fees, which is a plus.
Porygon said:
I'd imagine someone who'd want a Touch just doesn't need/want the phone and I'm assuming the Touch dosen't have monthly fees, which is a plus.

Can't you get prepaid phone plans over in America?
I have one and it's really cool. :) You can go on websites from it (Pokebeach <3), Youtube, download free games from the APP store, jailbreak it and get an installer, and other cool stuff. ;D

EDIT: iPod Touches are $250...iPhones are somewhat more...
Krucifier said:
Save your cash and get an iPhone. Same thing plus a whole lot more.

look the person doesn't want an iphone h wants to know if the ipod touch is good or not.

I got one a week ago and they are brilliant, don't get the 8gb if you do then you might aswell get the ipod nano. Yea get the 40gb like me :D
I voted "sucks" because I'm a non-comforming R3bELl. (Oh. Did you see how I spelt rebel just now? Woah. I'm such a bad arse. ;D)

But in all seriousness,
MyNameIsMaddox said:
It's the economy. My dad just lost his job. The 8 GB is the best they could do.

Go for it. The iPod Touch isn't all that bad. I just don't like it, and I continually hate on it. (And all Apple products, for that matter...) It's actually a nice piece of technology...

... And if you don't even have to pay for it, that makes it even better. ;D
-I had trouble syncing it. I was auto set to auto sync. So it kept trying to sync a library of 11 gigs. I overcame that problem.
-The wifi was trouble to set up. We don't have a wifi router so I have to keep setting up ad hoc networks with my laptop on if I want wifi.
- The battery is tiny, After playing games, watching movies and going on PokéBeach through wifi (=P) the battery has like 10% left :/

So I'd say after all the trouble, get it if you want a good player.
I have a 8 gig one, don't really have any problems with it, sometimes it freezes when I am on youtube but that's it.
I'm not recommending it, but it is very useful if you have a job dealing with technology and what not.

But if you know what you want, get it.
I think it is actually quite good, just very overpriced. My friend just got one for Christmas and he likes it. If you get it as a gift be thankful you didn't have to pay for it.
i hate most i-pods because it takes away conversations. Instead of talking about what you did at school, i-pod. Your mom asks "What did you do at jims house?" You didn't hear her because you were listening to your i-pod. I like listening to my i-pod, but not 24/7. My brother knows a kid in his class who he stares at and the kid is listening to his i-pod touch and not even noticing. See what i'm getting at here?