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Iron Shackles (cobalion, reuniclus, vileplume)

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Aspiring Trainer
3 skarmory
4 cobalion NV
3-2-2 reuniclus BW
3-2-2 vileplume
1 Bellosom UD
2 kyurem

3 rare candy
2 pokemon communication

2 N
3 twins
3 cherin
3 pokemon collecter
2 professor elm's training method
4 professor oaks new theory

4 {M}
4 special {M}
4 rainbow
2 {W}

strategy: start with active skarmory to steel coat special {M} onto benched cobalions. Cobalions iron breaker prevents attacking next turn, forcing a retreat/pass. Vileplume slows setup and prevents catcher/switch. Reuniclus to help tank by moving damage, as they will be able to attack after a knockout.
Here's what i would do:

-2 Elm's(you dont need 4)
-4 rescue(there are better energy choices you could put in this deck)
-3 basic metal(with all the shuffle/draw(ex N, twins)you dont need that high amount of metal)
-1 communication(this will be a dead draw once vileplume gets set up)

+2 Kyurem(this is a great counter to reshiram)
+4 rainbow(i think this is better than rescue in this deck)
+2 water energy(this is for Kyurem)
+1 Bellosom UD(this works with reuniclus with that you can spread out the damage and then heal it)
+1 cobalion(this is your main attacker so you need four)

Hope i helped =)
Thanks, I made the changes and it seems to be working better. I'll continue testing and report any problems I have.
Try running seeker so you can pick up a damaged pokemon when you cant move damage anymore. I am testing a similar deck but with a 2-2 donphan line for early attack and for games where pokemon are able to hit big and hit for my weaknesses. Donphan is that extra attacker that can be good late game only hitting for 1 energy.
eric180, please don't revive dead threads. This means that if a thread hasn't been posted in for over two weeks, don't post in it unless you have something new and interesting to add that will give it extra discussion value. Thanks.

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